DOJ Announces Pilot Program for Use of BodyCams by Federally Deputized Task Force Officers – IOTW Report

DOJ Announces Pilot Program for Use of BodyCams by Federally Deputized Task Force Officers

Office of Attny General/DOJ:

Today, the Department of Justice has announced a pilot program that will allow – for the first time – federally deputized task force officers to use body-worn cameras while serving arrest warrants, or other planned arrest operations, and during the execution of search warrants. The Department of Justice, through its law enforcement agencies, partners with state, local and tribal law enforcement on hundreds of federal task forces throughout the nation. Together, these task forces work to combat violent crime, stem the flow of illegal narcotics and arrest dangerous fugitives. Several of the Department’s partner state and local agencies require their officers to wear body-worn cameras and have requested their officers wear these cameras on federal task forces when the use of force is possible.

“I am pleased that this pilot program takes into account the interests and priorities of all the law enforcement agencies involved in federal task forces,” said Attorney General William P. Barr. “These are some of the most dangerous jobs in law enforcement, and I am grateful for the sacrifice of those who serve. The Department of Justice has no higher priority than ensuring the safety and security of the American people and this pilot program will continue to help us fulfill that mission.”

“ATF’s partnerships with local and state law enforcement are crucial to protecting our communities from those who commit violent crimes involving firearms, explosives, and arson; we continually strive to be the best possible partner,” said Acting Director Regina Lombardo of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). “ATF’s commitment to our partners includes adopting the appropriate use of technology to enhance effectiveness and accountability. ATF, FBI, DEA and the U.S. Marshals have worked closely with the Attorney General and leadership from local law enforcement agencies in the development of a pilot policy for the use of body-worn cameras by local officers participating in federal task forces. I look forward to implementation of this pilot as ATF continues to work with local and state law enforcement to remove the most violent offenders from our communities.”

“The Drug Enforcement Administration values its partnerships with state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the country, and we look forward to continued collaboration,” said Acting Administrator Uttam Dhillon of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). “Task force officers working alongside DEA special agents play a critical role in safeguarding our communities from violent criminals, drug traffickers, and dangerous cartels, and their local knowledge and expertise are vital to making our streets safer.” read more

7 Comments on DOJ Announces Pilot Program for Use of BodyCams by Federally Deputized Task Force Officers

  1. That’s great. Now can we get the FBI to start recording their interrogations? What say you, Director Wray? State and local cops already do that. Welcome to the 21st century.

  2. Politicians should be required to wear cameras, a GoPro surgical implanted into their foreheads that sends data, video and audio, to some FOIA computers, that could be accessed by the public. YouTube would loose a lot of business.

  3. Cop cameras are an example of unintended consequences. The media and black lives matter activists wanted to catch cops violating the “didn’t do nuffins” but the reality was just the opposite, for the most part the cameras documented a professional law enforcement community doing their jobs effectively and showed multiple scenes of minorities false accusations and reprehensible behavior documented without prejudice.

  4. If you know what’s good for you, you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever speak to a Federal officer or agent other than through a qualified attorney. It matters not if you are totally innocent or guilty or just a witness to a crime, the Feds can ruin your life by taking your words out of context. It will not matter what you meant by your statement, but how the Feds interpret your words. Just don’t do it.


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