DOJ Declares a Second Trial for Sam Bankman-Fried Isn’t Necessary – IOTW Report

DOJ Declares a Second Trial for Sam Bankman-Fried Isn’t Necessary


A second trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried on charges not in the cryptocurrency fraud case presented to a jury that convicted him in November is not necessary, prosecutors told a judge Friday.

Prosecutors told U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan in a letter that evidence at a second trial would duplicate evidence already shown to a jury. They also said it would ignore the “strong public interest in a prompt resolution” of the case, particularly because victims would not benefit from forfeiture or restitution orders if sentencing is delayed. More

The charges that would be prosecuted in the second trail include “campaign finance violations, conspiracy to commit bribery and conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money transmitting business.” Here

17 Comments on DOJ Declares a Second Trial for Sam Bankman-Fried Isn’t Necessary

  1. “They also said it would ignore the “strong public interest in a prompt resolution” of the case, particularly because victims would not benefit from forfeiture or restitution orders if sentencing is delayed.”

    TRANSLATION: We want to get this out of the spotlight as quickly as possible so everyone forgets Bankman was a major D contributor.

  2. Compared to what Biden’s handlers have done to America, this guy is nothing. He only cheated a couple thousand wealthy fools. Biden’s handlers, with the MSM’s complicity, have destroyed our economy, military, political system, the courts, congress, and the education system. Our economy will never recover. It is impossible to pay the interest on our loans. It is even more impossible to pay down the principle. We’re beyond screwed and Biden is not done yet.

  3. If only he had contributed just a little more to the democrats, DOJ might have dropped ALL the charges. I’m sure the lesson wasn’t lost on the Chinese oligarchs and Mexican drug cartels. You’ve got to pay to play.

  4. No need for a second trial, in the interest of the victims !!
    DOJ COVER UP OF 10s of $MILLIONS spend on the Democrat Party (Biden) and laundering money through Ukraine and political kick-backs.

    “campaign finance violations, conspiracy to commit bribery and conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money transmitting business.”

    The Largest group of Victims are the citizens of the United States. DOJ wants to strip us of our Victim’s rights.
    DOJ is not interested in Justice, Cover-up is their game.
    EVIL in plain view.

  5. Lance o Lot
    SATURDAY, 30 DECEMBER 2023, 23:44 AT 11:44 PM
    In other words, another trial might prove embarrassing for democrats IN AN ELECTION YEAR WHEN THEY WANT YOU TO WATCH TRIAL AFTER TRIAL AGAINST PRESIDENT TRUMP.

  6. I just love it that a bunch of liberals lost their ass with Bankman. He’s going to get 100+ years from the first trial, so they figure he’s not going to live out his first sentence so why spend the money on trial #2. However his sentence should also be no chance of parole, and he’s put in with the hardcore convicts. His altruism he practiced wasn’t the best of ideas. I think the second trial would have broke his parents – financially and spiritually. They were in on it too – him and his mother.


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