DOJ Doesn’t Like Trump’s Vow to Get Back at DOJ – IOTW Report

DOJ Doesn’t Like Trump’s Vow to Get Back at DOJ

14 Comments on DOJ Doesn’t Like Trump’s Vow to Get Back at DOJ

  1. Gotta love how these assholes at CBS painted all the candidates in the same light as Pence, going against Trump.
    None of them came out talking shit like Pence did.

    No matter how much you already hate the MSM, dig deeper and HATE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS EVEN MORE!

  2. I’m trying to figure out who is advising (or giving money to) Pence. Everywhere he speaks people are calling him a traitor and worse to his face. What does a Pence supporter look like?

    I can kinda see the attraction of Marianne Williamson, appealing to the Timothy Leary psychedelic crowd, the incense-smelling/crystal healing hairy arm pitted nose ring wearing femi-uglies, and the space cadets that worship Mother Gaia, different strokes and all. But Pence? Rallying behind,”Too honest for politics” won’t even get his wife to vote for him.

  3. Any fool can see it. Maybe Donny needs a little taste of exactly what he did to Jeffrey Epstein.
    Jeffrey, “Donny you got to get me out of here or else it might come out about your involvement.”
    Donny, “Sure I’ll get you out”
    In a body bag.

  4. DOJ better hope and pray that they don’t get what they deserve: a long, excruciating descent into madness and death.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. McCain never got over Ronny wanting him in prison for years!

    For those <70 Johny helped Chuck steal hundreds of millions of cig cartons* from the taxpayers. "KEATING 5"
    Reason #4 I did not vote for Bob is he kept John from trial!

    *. Math is hard – not for me – If I say the $ you will say "No big deal" If you price a carton of cigs you will see that John help chuck steal lots and lots of $ from us taxpayers!
    John was as crooked as GWB and his puppet Joe!


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