DOJ drops prosecution brought by Mueller against Russians – IOTW Report

DOJ drops prosecution brought by Mueller against Russians

Just The News: In a remarkable turnabout, the Justice Department  on Monday moved to drop a prosecution of Russian companies charged with financing efforts to use social media to meddle in the 2016 U.S. election.

12 Comments on DOJ drops prosecution brought by Mueller against Russians

  1. Well of course they did. They never expected any of the “indicted in absentia” to say, “giddy up, see you in court”.

    But thankfully, DOJ is committed to bringing the remaining Russians to justice. Ahem….you can prosecute frivolous lawsuits when you have deep pockets stuffed with other people’s money and the full knowledge the phantom Russians will never show.

  2. Russians just simply said,

    “Listen, our plane leaves in 6 hours, if that prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the billion dollars.”

    –That’s how it works folks!

  3. Until the liar who put : Brennan (8/04), Clapper (4/04) and Mueller (9/01) in power is charged with treason his henchmen will stay free. For those unable to read, or un willing to be informed, 15 years ago ; this liberal was GWB. A member of the Rove/Bush syndicate who in 2016 said VOTE CLINTON. All 13 of ’em said CLINTON!

    Letters of reprimand in the personnel file mean nothing, they are all gone! Nasty articles from GWB despising conservatives roll off like water on a duck’s back. Conservatives have been saying bad things about these scoundrels for 19 years! None of them care.

    Like GWB’s girl Lerner they have known that the GWB machine protects them.

  4. Don’t you love the WaPoo article that rehashes the unsubstantiated charges in an article about how the DOJ is dropping the charges due to lack of evidence? These people never stop.

  5. “As the operation progressed, prosecutors said, the defendants engaged in extensive online conversations with Americans who became unwitting tools of the Russian efforts — pushing misinformation online about divisive political issues such as race relations, immigration and gun control.“

    So you mean Hillary really wasn’t going to take away our guns??


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