DOJ Files Notice of Intent to Re-Try Sen. Menendez on Bribery and Corruption Charges – IOTW Report

DOJ Files Notice of Intent to Re-Try Sen. Menendez on Bribery and Corruption Charges

Breitbart: The Department of Justice filed a notice of intent on Friday to re-try Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and co-defendant Dr. Salomon Melgen on public corruption charges.

The notice, which was filed with a federal court in the District of New Jersey, was only four sentences long:

The United States files this notice of intent to retry the defendants and requests that the Court set the case for retrial at the earliest possible date. Defendants Robert Menendez and Salomon Melgen have been indicted for bribery and corruption by two separate grand juries properly empaneled in the District of New Jersey. The first trial ended in a mistrial with a deadlocked jury. An early retrial date is in the best interests of the public, and the United States is available to schedule a retrial at the Court’s earliest convenience.  read more

9 Comments on DOJ Files Notice of Intent to Re-Try Sen. Menendez on Bribery and Corruption Charges

  1. Some NJ reporter should leak that Menendez has Hillary’s emails. He would be dead in a week. Or you could just say screw it, pull an Indiana Jones and shoot the bastard. It’s cheaper. He’s dirty, we all know he’s dirty and yet he still continues to contort the legal system to his benefit. He’s an insult to all the hard working honest citizens of this country. Keep at it DOJ.

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