DOJ Has Started a Federal Criminal Probe on President Trump – IOTW Report

DOJ Has Started a Federal Criminal Probe on President Trump

Red State

The Department of Justice has begun investigating former President Donald Trump as part of a criminal probe surrounding January 6th and his attempt to “overturn the election.”

According to the Washington Examiner, questions are being asked about what Trump said in meetings around the time, including what he may have told others to do in regards to stopping the certification of the election results. One specific line of inquiry entails the so-called “false electors” scheme members of the press have been going nuts over. More

12 Comments on DOJ Has Started a Federal Criminal Probe on President Trump

  1. Bunch of stasi motherfuckers… Red state governors better get themselves organized, because if they succeed in convicting Trump over bullshit, they will do it with everyone who gets in their way from there on in. This will be an absolute shit country at that point, totally not worth keeping together.

  2. Well, they have tried everything else so you knew it would come to this. If they can’t neuter him politically don’t put it past them to eliminate him physically. The repuglicans were the ones who really F’ed this up. The war is upon us.

  3. There’s a theory that the Nazis are so desperate that they’ve decide to try a swing for the bleachers move and Perp Walk Donald J Trump in front of every news camera they can. They don’t care if they need to eventually drop the charges. They are after that visual and the humiliation.
    Timing seems right.

  4. There are too many democrat-leader felonies to count and the DOJ has to make up crimes supposedly committed by President Trump? A whole lotta top floor DOJ big wigs need to be prosecuted.

  5. MJA
    JULY 27, 2022 AT 11:40 AM
    “They won’t let it get to court. Know why? Because Trump can call witnesses, get discovery, etc”

    …they will invoke National Security, seal all records, have a secret trial with hand-selected judge and jurors who they will bribe or threaten as needed to get the expected conviction. Jurors will be kept secret too, of course, no interviews allowed, and major media will not cover anything but the conviction.

    They haven’t followed any laws to this point, and they are unlikely to start now.

    They want a disorganized rebellion so they can cut small, disjointed, unled groups down one by one, bloodily, as an example to others.

    Rightly or wrongly, they believe they can ride the lightning and that all the good guys with guns will do their bidding.

    And if all else fails, they know they can cut off food real easy.

    I would not be surprised to see them arrest President Trump.

    They belive the time to truly seize power for all time is now, and the more that die in the process,the better.

    There will be no election this year.

    There will be spicy time instead.

  6. If they do this it will be the shot heard around the world. This tinder box is smoldering and the tinder will know if they can do this to him, they can do it to anyone, it’s all it will take and a civil war will be on.

    I know people say well people just talk behind keyboards, but some of us actually listen to those who would never say anything behind a keyboard and some of us pay attention to people who don’t say anything at all.

  7. Donald J. Trump betrayed everyone who supported him, to Party lawfare. Every. One.

    The crocodile’s run the line. And still isn’t satiated. MAGAts should throw themselves before it. Seriously. Should.

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