DOJ Investigates Oregon Judge for Allegedly Helping Illegal Immigrant Flee ICE Agents – IOTW Report

DOJ Investigates Oregon Judge for Allegedly Helping Illegal Immigrant Flee ICE Agents

BreitbartTX: A county judge in Oregon is under fire for allegedly helping an illegal immigrant use her private entrance to avoid being captured by federal agents. The judge is not facing criminal charges at this time; however, the Department of Justice is looking into the matter.

“I was troubled because, on the face of it, what I heard sounded like potential federal criminal law violations and/or ethical violations,” U.S. Attorney Billy Williams told Willamette Week reporters. “Generally, we’re talking about obstruction of justice.”

The case took place in January at the Multnomah County Courthouse in Oregon, where 22-year-old Diddier Pacheco Salazar was set to plead guilty to two charges in connection with a January 1 DUI arrest, the Willamette Week recently reported. On January 27, Pacheco pleaded guilty to one count of driving recklessly and one count of driving under the influence of intoxicants.

According to the Oregon newspaper, plainclothes federal agents with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had been at the courthouse looking for illegal immigrants. That is when lower court judge Monica Herranz allegedly had Pacheco escorted out through a private entrance in order to avoid being captured by ICE agents who were looking for him to arrest him on immigration charges. Federal agents arrested Pacheco two weeks later at another court hearing.  more

18 Comments on DOJ Investigates Oregon Judge for Allegedly Helping Illegal Immigrant Flee ICE Agents

  1. Obstruction? Of course, but perhaps some sort of public endangerment charge as well for letting a reckless drunk back out on the streets. Maybe the sensible part of the public there will vote to unseat her or impeach her or something like that if enough fuss is made. Whatever the local rules allow when DOJ has had their turn. Either way, these rogue “jurists” need to be whacked from time to time to keep them, their priorities and their colleagues firmly on the path of righteousness.

  2. “Federal agents arrested Pacheco two weeks later at another court hearing.”

    I can’t believe he showed up in court again. Did he think he’d get another ride on the Subversion Railroad?

  3. So many of these activist judges are so young, that’s all they know of the so-called American justice system. They were just as indoctrinated as undergrads and law students as any other profession. They’ve been supported in their skewed thinking by their surrounding communities and sympathetic state AG’s and been called heroes for their nonsensical judgements. It’ll take a while for them to adjust to the new sheriff in the WH and the DoJ. We have a friend who, as a lawyer, has built himself a multi-million dollar practice as a discrimination lawyer and it’s been easy pluckings for him. It will be interesting to see how the “discrimination” landscape looks in a decade.

  4. Yeah , I sure trust the FBI to perform a non-partisan, professional investigation. But I already know what the outcome is.

    judge Monica Herranz was assisting Pacheco exit the building as he was unfamiliar with the buildings hallways.
    No intent of wrong doing, judge herranz was just careless.

  5. If Diddler had gone off to DUI and kill someone, wouldn’t that make her an accessory to the crime?

    Judges seem to do this often — release a thug and then have no responsibility for what he does.

  6. She just hired him to clean her backyard up for the garden party she was throwing that evening and he had a lot of work to do. Because her last gardener got deported the week before.

  7. @AbigailAdams March 5, 2017 at 11:09 am

    > So many of these activist judges are so young, that’s all they know of the so-called American justice system.

    So, Syrian pædo-none-dare-call-them-rapists should be given a decade (or two) of behaving as they were taught, so they can “assimilate”?

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