DOJ misses House Judiciary subpoena deadline for documents on Clinton probe, alleged FISA abuses – IOTW Report

DOJ misses House Judiciary subpoena deadline for documents on Clinton probe, alleged FISA abuses


The Justice Department missed a deadline to submit documents ordered in a subpoena by the House Judiciary Committee, aggravating Republicans who were eager to see documents on a variety of issues, including the agency’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., sent the subpoena to the DOJ two weeks ago, after the agency failed to respond to a request for the documents from Goodlatte and House Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., that was issued four months prior.

But the agency missed the noon deadline, according to the House Judiciary Committee.

“The Department of Justice has not yet complied with the subpoena and we are working with officials at DOJ to take immediate steps to comply with the subpoena and produce documents to the Committee,” a Republican House Judiciary Committee aide told the Washington Examiner.

The lack of response irked some Republicans, including Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., who called the DOJ’s actions “unacceptable.”

“We got no documents from the Department of Justice. Just a phone call. This is unacceptable — it’s time to stop the games. Turn over the documents to Congress and allow us to conduct oversight,” Meadows tweeted Thursday.


18 Comments on DOJ misses House Judiciary subpoena deadline for documents on Clinton probe, alleged FISA abuses

  1. If you have followed the story on CTH then you know there’s a pretty good reason why. Indictments are coming from Huber and the OIG, and they don’t want to release the evidence yet.

  2. “If you have followed the story on CTH then you know there’s a pretty good reason why.”

    I keep hearing that shit from CHT and Q. They parallel each other by the way. I’ve been hearing it for a while. We need to see something happen. I’m tired of the bull shit talk. To much talk.

  3. Good things are worth waiting for. I’d rather see Comey et al walking out of court in handcuffs than have a couple well intentioned congressman unwittingly help the enemy’s defense.

  4. Some days I think that the love of country that POTUS brings to the table, along with many of the good people he has on his team will be enough to make a difference. Then there are days that it seems the swamp has us spinning our wheels with only the hope of real progress. I wonder if Trump is as frustrated as some of us are or if he sees progress that hasn’t been real for us yet. The damn swamp is an ocean.

  5. joe six pack just wrote something that resonated in my little mind.

    “Trumps love of country”

    I couldn’t put my finger on why I love trump more each day and this has a lot to do with it. (and his fight back attitude)

    all the progressive actions are out of hate for our country and our way of life.

    they never build only destroy that which they have come to hate. most have been brainwashed into their hate by the public schools and the tv.

    i have traveled and worked all over the world and we have a far superior lifestyle to any other country.

    it’s sad to watch our own citizens bring about it’s destruction.

  6. What does a teacher do to a student who doesn’t turn in homework? What does an employer do when his employee fails to complete a project?

    Let’s see some consequences for ignoring a subpoena. NOW.

  7. As Monty Python would say, “This calls for an immediate discussion!”
    ‘Cause, nothing else is gonna happen for missing a deadline. Was it a red deadline?


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