DOJ Pleads for BLM Arsonist Murderer to Get a Lighter Sentence – IOTW Report

DOJ Pleads for BLM Arsonist Murderer to Get a Lighter Sentence

Red State

In this case, though, the DOJ single-handedly decided to judge [Montez] Lee’s motives as pure despite the fact that he was looting a store before he burned it to the ground, killing a father of five. The prosecution even went so far as to quote Martin Luther King Jr. in an attempt to gain a shorter sentence for Lee. Sure enough, the judge not only met the DOJ’s request, but he surpassed it, sentencing Lee to just 10 years in prison. More

7 Comments on DOJ Pleads for BLM Arsonist Murderer to Get a Lighter Sentence

  1. Antifa and BLM goons are not only PAID, but protected by the goons who have hijacked our government. Then you have the 87,000 new goons of the IRS. And the ‘woke’ military. See the writing on the wall, folks?


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