DOJ Prosecutors Aim to Make Voicing Opposition a Crime – IOTW Report

DOJ Prosecutors Aim to Make Voicing Opposition a Crime


The memes were a Twitter-generation version of the common joke about telling one’s political opponents to turn out for the election next Wednesday. But, in an unprecedented move, the Biden Administration says [Doug] Mackey violated the Ku Klux Klan Act by systematically acting to strip Americans of their civil rights. The KKK Act was passed to prevent literal assaults and terrorism that prevented black Americans from voting, but now the DOJ’s prosecutors say it applies to satirical online speech — they say Mackey broke the law, even though they can’t produce a single person who failed to vote due to Mackey’s stunt. Study

9 Comments on DOJ Prosecutors Aim to Make Voicing Opposition a Crime

  1. I highly encourage all blacks to pull their collective heads from their rectums and stop voting for the Democrat Party who has always been their worst enemy. Stop being so damn stupid for a change and grow up. They hate you!

  2. Smellocrats want to make thought-crime
    a parameter for criminal prosecution ?!
    Have they reviewed their own criminal
    Have they thought about criminal prsecution
    in the USA?
    Homicide Kennedy was allowed to be re-elected
    and serve in the the US Senate for 50 years
    even after the murder of his pregnant girlfriend
    which the state of Massatwoshitts
    completely covered up.

  3. Dumb folks are who elected Biden, 82 Million dumb folks, some of them were living. The dead that voted put Biden over the top.

    Lawsuits were filed, but can you fathom that voters don’t have any standing regarding documented corruption of the election process that influenced the outcome of an election?

    The fix was in then and we are all in a fix now.

  4. Our once-great country is accelerating down the slippery slope into the cesspool of History.
    The longer we wait, the more difficult it will be.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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