DOJ says it won’t defend Obamacare – IOTW Report

DOJ says it won’t defend Obamacare

American Thinker: While the GOP Congress has failed repeatedly to fully repeal Obamacare, the courts may do most of the work for it.

The Department of Justice announced that it would not defend certain key provisions of the Affordable Care Act in a lawsuit brought by several states against the constitutionality of the law.

DoJ says several parts of the act, including the individual mandate, are unconstitutional and won’t defend them in court. more here

11 Comments on DOJ says it won’t defend Obamacare

  1. And the same assholes who cheered when the Obama Justice Department refused to defend “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” because they deemed it unconstitutional are howling like wounded poodles over this.

  2. Also remember that Obamadontcare was really the doing of democRATs (the card-carrying CPUSA type) using the feckless, tone-deaf, jug-eared, melanin challenged Øbamboozler as their Poster Boi to promote it… and the last one to give in was Dennis The Menace Kucinich who held out for an ice-cream cone and an airplane ride in AF-1!

  3. No thanks to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. Billions thrown down the toilet. Ruin and wreckage everywhere you look. Socialized medicine for the masses, not for their masters. Rhinocrats and cowards couldn’t get the job done in Congress, so it is finally dying in another Court case. Maybe Roberts will do the right thing when this case makes its way back to the Supreme Court. Maybe not.

  4. DoJ won’t defend the indefensible?
    Since when?
    A fraud perpetrated against the People of the United States by their agents, representatives, and chosen executive. A conspiracy to defraud – to subvert.

    But the DoJ won’t “defend?” Why isn’t the DoJ prosecuting the traitors? Why are they sitting on their thumbs while these criminals, not only walk free, but continue to amass $Millions at the expense of their “sovereign?”

    Did I misread the Preamble? Did I misunderstand the Foundation?
    Maybe it’s all just a sick joke?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Kermit June 9, 2018 at 12:40 pm

    > So are they going to return the money from the fines levied by the IRS for not participating in that mess?

    There is the magical precedent. When a government was found to be grabbing “fines”, adjudicated by it’s own hired “deciderers”, in direct violation of the rules it had imagined up, itself, a court decided the livestock had been defrauded. So the court ordered the government to split (50/50) the fraudulent take with the manimals it was taken from. Ah, sweet, sweet, just us.


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