DOJ sends wiretap materials to congressional investigators – IOTW Report

DOJ sends wiretap materials to congressional investigators

“We need to figure out what happened here, there’s a lot of unanswered questions. I just don’t want anybody jumping to any conclusion on any side of this, other than the fact that we know that Obama didn’t physically wiretap Trump Tower,” House Intelligence a Committee Chair Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said Friday.

Nunez added that there are still a lot of “unknowns.”  MORE

16 Comments on DOJ sends wiretap materials to congressional investigators

  1. “I just don’t want anybody jumping to any conclusion on any side of this, other than the fact that we know that Obama didn’t physically wiretap Trump Tower”–Devin Nunes, House Intel

    But from the Senate side…

    “Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016.”–Richard Burr and John Warner.

    It doesn’t sound like the House and Senate are on the same page here. It would be a shame if they were starting to distrust the narratives they’ve been fed.



  3. More to it.
    All the Dems left town before it arrived and none of the cleared ones looked. Why? Think about it.
    All weekend they can say anything they want and get away with it. A little longer. At least Monday longer.

    Monday, Monday, Monday.

  4. No surveillance, no data collection, no monitoring of cell phone conversations.
    Call me a cynic.
    It’s not that the partisan, nonprofessional, politically appointed progressives in the DOJ, Department of state, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS and the FBI has ever lied to Congress and the American citizens about any of their recognized or unrecognized covert operations.

    Just like Hillary national security emails, IRS lawlessness, Holders Gun running to drug cartels and the Benghazi betrayal of Ambassador Stevens……, if the evidence isn’t there ….it has been withheld, deleted, redacted or destroyed.

    I distrust any finding based upon incomplete records, obstruction and deceit.

  5. The wording of these statements is critical. While the CIA and NSA have been forbidden by charter from spying on American citizens, they quickly exploited a loophole to get the intelligence agencies of other, allied nations to do it for them. That this happens is very old news, just never really reported upon by our fake news outlets.

    I encourage anyone wanting their eyes opened to this to read this now 35 tear old work:
    One fascinating fact I never forgot; the NSA has a stated goal of remaining 10 years ahead of the currently known limits of computing power. Think about that. Truly scary.

  6. Bad_Brad, when they resort to parsing and legalism, they are running scared. They are still taking Trump literally, not seriously, and they’ll going to continue getting burned.

  7. As Gowdy likes to say, “There is a fact pattern” to the obama WH and the exec depts which belie this information. A whole lotta people “don’t know anything.”

  8. Third twin,
    I think one faction or another is going to try and take him out. He needs to get some killers on his detail. And maybe leave the White House and Trump Tower for a while.

  9. Third Twin, since that thread on the Secret Service it’s been revealed that the whack job that jumped the fence spent 17 minutes roaming around the White House grounds. He even rattled a couple locked doors. No way this happens without a stand down order. Trump needs to get fing serious about his and his families security. Honestly get she’d of the SS and find some military people.

  10. He is so vulnerable it’s scary. He needs to fire the SS and get some real warriors around him. President Trump is in an undeclared war right now and he needs better protection than he has.

  11. “We need to figure out what happened here”

    Congress can’t figure out how to do anything. They need a huge staff just to find their way to the toilet!

    I hope the DOJ sent only copies. Things have a way of disappearing in DC.

  12. A lot of information we need to go through, we don’t want anyone “jumping to conclusions”…BUT, we DO KNOW that President Obama didn’t do anything wrong! But don’t jump to any OTHER conclusions.

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