DOJ’s review of surveillance against the Trump campaign is “multifaceted” and “broad in scope” – IOTW Report

DOJ’s review of surveillance against the Trump campaign is “multifaceted” and “broad in scope”

Daily Caller:

Attorney General William Barr’s review of surveillance against the Trump campaign is “broad in scope and multifaceted,” a Justice Department official told Congress on Monday.

In a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, Justice Department official Stephen E. Boyd provided a summary of Barr’s review. Nadler, a New York Democrat, had asked for details of the investigation, which is being led by John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut.

“It is now well established that, in 2016, the U.S. government and others undertook certain intelligence-gathering and investigative steps directed at persons associated with the Trump Campaign,” Boyd wrote Nadler, adding that “there remain open questions relating to the origins of this counter-intelligence investigation and the U.S. and foreign intelligence activities that took place prior to and during that investigation.”

“The Review is broad in scope and multifaceted, and is intended to illuminate open questions regarding the activities of U.S. and foreign intelligence services as well as non-governmental organizations and individuals,” Boyd wrote.

He did not explain the references to foreign intelligence services or non-governmental organizations. It is known that the Australian and British governments were involved in some degree to the counterintelligence activities against Trump associates. Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, a former British spy, investigated President Donald Trump and his campaign associates on behalf of the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee.

Barr has said he is concerned with what he has learned about surveillance activities carried out by the FBI and other intelligence agencies against the Trump campaign. He shocked Democrats on April 9, when he testified that he believed that “spying did occur” against the Trump campaign. He clarified later that he aims to find out if the surveillance activities against the Trump campaign were legal and properly predicated.

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6 Comments on DOJ’s review of surveillance against the Trump campaign is “multifaceted” and “broad in scope”

  1. Sounds great depending on the outcome. Wasted half an hour of my life having Hillary’s wrongdoings put out in front of me for nothing. Could have been cutting my grass during that time. I want prosecutions and perp walks.

  2. Instead of DOJ review being multifaceted, shouldn’t it be DOJ prosecution being multifaceted? And has anyone heard what the cause of death of tony rodham was?

  3. We’re pacing nervously like a husband in the delivery waiting room. If we’re disappointed it’ll be like the husband being informed his wife just gave birth to a child of a different race.


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