Dole Redraws His Endorsement Now That Yeb is Gone – IOTW Report

Dole Redraws His Endorsement Now That Yeb is Gone

Bob Dole, the guy whose endorsement any “real conservative” would pay not to get, has endorsed Marco Rubio.

ht/ Jerry Manderin


18 Comments on Dole Redraws His Endorsement Now That Yeb is Gone

  1. This changes EVERYTHING.

    Go away Bob. No one cares what you think. You’re irrelevant. You were a lousy candidate in 96 and subsequent your boner pill commercials were an embarrassment. Thanks for your WWII service though.

  2. My shiny new senator, Thom Tillis, has also endorsed Rubio. We were warned about Tillis as being the RINO, but we where also told he was the only one that could beat Hagan. The TEA party guy was electable they said, so I voted for Tillis in the primaries. He has voted with Turtle boy every chance he gets, and suddenly, Burr has become the poster boy for conservatism since he is facing a primary challenge after years of mediocrity. Ain’t politics grand?

  3. Wow, talk about making a jackass out of yourself initially, then going full blown on jackass! This is actually worth a huge NY Times article, entitled, “Bob beats Jesus and rises from the dead, TWICE!”

  4. Menderman, you voted for Tillis over Greg Brannon?? That’s like voting for Jeb Bush over Ted Cruz. No offense but that’s why our state has such crappy senators. People just vote for whoever the big name republican is

  5. Doesn’t anybody here get it? The Republican establishment mantra right now is ABT – Anybody But Trump. Stopping Trump is more important than stopping Hillary or Bernie. He’s the only one who’s dangerous to the system, so if it means sabotaging Trump and electing a Democrat, well, so be it. They’ll survive that, but maybe not Trump. I’m not sure if a Trump nomination would be good or bad, because I haven’t made up my mind about him, but as Bob Dylan famously said, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows”.

    P,.S. – I try not to get too political on this site, because I know that 99.999% of such comments here are, as Shakespeare would put it, “…full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing.” Sometimes, however, I can’t help myself. Sorry.


  6. Yes, Jon, I voted for Tillis. I was told he was the only one that could win…the only one that can win…the only one that can win…the only one that can win…the only one that can win…

    seems the record is skipping…..

  7. Dole’s endorsement is like having john mccain, mitch mcconnel, lindsay graham, paul ryan, john boehner, mark kirk, lisa murkowski and susan collins saying that Rubio is conservative.

    Don’t mean nothin’ — except the establishment progressive republicans have put up a country club lap dog to guard the gravy train they’re riding .

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