Dom Tomato – IOTW Report

Dom Tomato

16 Comments on Dom Tomato

  1. A friend was probably the equivalent of this in the 70s/80s, a pro skateboarder. Did a lot of stunts for movies too. He posted a picture a few years ago, something like 100 broken bones over the course of his life. Fun to watch, but they usually don’t show the misses and the ER or morgue visits.

  2. As with most ideas hatched by this generation, they are not new, original, or even better than what’s been done in the past, they just think they are pioneers.

    Parkour has been around for a while;

    ht tps://

    And yes, every one of these dumbasses has used medical care dollars that most certainly should be used for those more deserving.

  3. Ugh, knee and hip replacements in his future! And he probably won’t even have Medicare.

    Heck, he probably doesn’t care; youth doesn’t think that far ahead.

    When we hear and see the elderly we always think, ‘not me’.

    Of course, by the time that guy is my age (79), cloning and or 3D printing body parts at home will be perfected.

    In the meantime, I find watching the sport(?) with awe, as most of us have throughout history.


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