Domino’s Closing Thousands of Stores as Retail Apocalypse Hits America’s Largest Restaurant Chains – IOTW Report

Domino’s Closing Thousands of Stores as Retail Apocalypse Hits America’s Largest Restaurant Chains

Discern Report

The largest restaurant chains in America are struggling to overcome waning demand as the economy continues to slow down. Even giants like Domino’s Pizza, which operates almost 19,000 stores worldwide, are reporting a series of challenges and financial losses in 2023.

The chain is now closing thousands of underperforming locations after recent price hike controversies depressed domestic and international sales and sent its shares plummeting to the lowest level in over a decade. The latest data shows that the pizza company is in far more trouble than we all thought, and experts say that if it fails to fix its problems before the current downturn gets worse, the American pie chain may rapidly become overwhelmed by its debt and fall victim to the Great Retail Collapse. more here

26 Comments on Domino’s Closing Thousands of Stores as Retail Apocalypse Hits America’s Largest Restaurant Chains

  1. Over six years ago, I had a slice of Dominoe’s pizza and it was like I had a eaten a salt brick. Could not properly hydrate myself for 24 hours. Haven’t touched it since and now I feel kinda giddy for contributing to its worldwide economic collapse.

  2. “before the current downturn gets worse”
    To late.
    So, Domino’s corporate board is to stupid to see what this administration is doing to the economy.

  3. Yeah, while I do really sympathize with all the employees who’ll be laid off, I can’t stand their pizza. It seems as though every office I ever worked in had Domino’s on speed dial and somebody would order a stack of pies at the least excuse. I gotta tell ya, when your Uncle Al turns down FREE PIZZA, you know it’s gotta be awful. The only time I had worse was CeCe’s.

  4. Too much salt, acidic sauce and pepperoni… Horrible customer service, absurd delivery times… It’s fake pizza. You’re better off getting a frozen pizza at Walmart.

  5. Thought I was the only one who hated their pizza…it’s all crust. They are at the bottom of my list of pizza joints. Hell, to me, Little Caesars is better..haha.

    Sadly, in my rural town, they are the only game in town when it comes to pizza so this one may be around for a while. I don’t wish ill will companies, unless they are absolutely woke but when they kept running those ads about electric delivery cars, then they became dead to me.

  6. Pizza is poison. Think of every bad thing you could put in a meal and you come up with Pizza. Don’t eat it, don’t care. Tonight we’re eating grilled chicken breast with a salad.

  7. Why eat shitty pizza when there are excellent ones available?
    Even better, make it yourself & bake it on a pizza stone-almost as good as wood-fired.

  8. Parts of the Southeastern US you can’t get good pizza. When I was stationed in Georgia, Pizza Hut was about the best there was. I was talking with a guy in the comments section somewhere he said he was in Georgia. So I asked him about the pizza situation down there and he said it hasn’t improved any. He says there’s more than enough Eye-talians around, you’d think you could get a decent pie.

  9. Kinda sentimental about Domino’s Pizza. Yeah, I know there’s no accounting for taste. They were cheap and tasty pizzas and had decent delivery service back in the day. It’s not the best pizza but at least they aren’t promoting wokeness. Too bad they couldn’t overcome the Xiden economical curse.

  10. The potholes in South Bend, IN were so numerous, deep, and wide that the city made national news. When the mayor and current tranportation secretary of the US couldn’t even fix the city’s poholes, Dominos Pizza chipped in a $5,000 grant to help do the city’s work. Instead of being embarrassed into doing his job, the mayor welcomed the grant.

  11. Fast food is getting way too expensive. I will get something during the day when I have a long day of work in the field, but I can bring food with me since it’s getting ridiculous.

    I drove by a Church’s and saw a poster for 8 pieces of legs and thighs for 7.99. OK, I decide to get it. At the window I learn that was a two-day special, but not today. They wanted 18.99 for those 8 pieces now. Say what? I drove off.

    With those prices I’ll never buy from them again.

    Wondering when they’ll shut down now.

  12. A simple solution for Domino’s, don’t close any of your stores.
    Just just raise your debt ceiling.
    Future generations of pizza customers will have to pay the principle and interest for decades.
    Like the Federal Government open new stores, while you hire 87,000 financial tax experts to force customers to buy your Pizza.

    So simple, even a socialist/marxist government can do it.

  13. I’ve always preferred mom & pop pizza places to the chains, although Pizza Hut isn’t too bad.

    We’ve gone out to eat a couple times recently and got severe sticker shock both times. Won’t be doing that again anytime soon.

  14. Never liked Dominoes – just doesn’t taste right… Little Ceasars used to be good (I like munster cheese), but the Bidet economy made them use cheap and horribly tasting ingredients.

    Papa murphy’s is my go-to. Cook it at home so it’s nice and hot and not undercooked. Plus, they use (for what I can tell) good ingredients.

  15. @ Principal Poop

    Knowing how the government does things that $5000 wouldn’t be enough to fill Pete’s poophole and I didn’t know Dominoes delivered on dirt roads anyway.

    In other news, Subway, the only fast food I occasionally eat, has closed 4 of 6 stores locally since the beginning of Covid.

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