Don Jr. Challenges Hunter Biden To A Debate – IOTW Report

Don Jr. Challenges Hunter Biden To A Debate

Washington Examiner

Donald Trump Jr. challenged Hunter Biden to debate who has benefited more financially from their fathers’ time in public office.

“We can go full transparency, we show everything, and we can talk about all of the places where I’m supposedly grifting, but Hunter Biden isn’t,” President Trump’s eldest son said in a Sunday interview with Axios HBO.

Trump Jr. stepped in to run the Trump Organization with his brother Eric when their father moved into the White House. When pressed on his book deal and paid speeches, he insisted he has made paid speeches for more than a decade.

“If you looked at my tax returns, which maybe we could talk about in this debate,” he said, later continuing, “Let’s talk about who profited off of whose public service. Happy to do it. Let’s make it happen.”

10 Comments on Don Jr. Challenges Hunter Biden To A Debate

  1. This is why we have dynasties? This is what he thinks is smart? This will, surely, turn the tide from “Democratic-Socialism”?

    (roll my eyes & shake my head)

  2. It’s doubtful Don Jr. means a literal debate with O’Biden Bama Jr. But by throwing down, he brings the argument to the much larger debate in the public square and that’s always a good thing. Just as few people had the courage to talk about other taboo, go-nowhere, or “settled” subjects like, say, anchor babies, so-called global warming, Hillary’s private server(s), rampant nepotism and pol’s family members profiting spectacularly on these connections to high office need to be exposed. Damn near every congressman/woman and senator and their families have left office as millionaires many times over and with no other apparent means of income outside their part time Federal jobs. The Democrats have got quite a nerve pointing the emoluments finger at POTUS Trump and his family!

  3. Good Grief! Grunter would have to enlist the cheating help of a Candy Crowley type in the Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Networks just to get to first base, but even they would put up the Sign of the Cross at this one cuz there ain’t no helping this Crack-Headed, drunken, dead beat dad, international criminal, military reject and all around complete loser!! I’m with AA. Don Jr is not into shooting ducks in a barrel! Just the challenge with no response is enough!


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