Donald Deutsch – IOTW Report

Donald Deutsch


It’s legal again in Russia to watch or share the 1942 Disney cartoon “Der Fuehrer’s Face,” an anti-fascist short starring Donald Duck.

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The cartoon, which won an Academy Award the year it was released, was added to Russia’s list of illegal extremist materials in 2010 by a court in Kamchatka. In September 2015, two men were convicted of uploading the cartoon to the Internet (along with several songs by a white supremacist band) and fined about $40.

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Earlier today, a judge reversed the Kamchatka court’s decision, following an appeal by local prosecutors, finding that the cartoon does not, in fact, propagate fascism and actually portrays the ideology satirically.

You can watch it HERE. 

ht/ The Big OweScreen Shot 2016-07-24 at 9.27.20 PM

7 Comments on Donald Deutsch

  1. Russia is moving forward.
    All cartoons that included smoking, or taking pills, or described the race of people involved…. have been banned here and it is a crime to show them.

  2. I still remember singing this song as a kid … we used to sing & goosestep all around the playground …
    “Ven dee Fuehrer says we is dee Master Race, vee Zieg Heil, Zieg Heil right in dee Fuehrers face”
    … when America was still great …

  3. @JohnS ~ they’ll get my Golden Book copy of ‘Little Black Sambo’ when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers!
    … along w/ my Uncle Remus videos & my Amos & Andy tapes … 😉

  4. My Dad who is 87 loves Amos and Andy having grown up listening to them on the radio. No one and I mean no one will play them on any radio station anymore including XM’s old time radio station. However, you can still buy CD’s of Amos and Andy from the Radio Spirits catalog. It’s also hard to find any old Tom & Jerry cartoons or some Warner Bros. cartoons like anything with Speedy Gonzalez. Liberals are such kill joys, they have absolutely no sense of humor except to be vulgar and gross.

  5. Give the democRats enough power and a lot of things will be illegal here too through what I call The New Communism of unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, out-of-control, dictatorial “regulation”.
    Now with insane Bathroom Rules for Radicals, sanitized transcripts for our “protection” and plenty of tightly controlled prepared Propaganda!

  6. Other hard to find, never played cartoons:
    Disney’s “Song of the South”.
    Several Warner Bros WWII propaganda cartoons, depicting Germans and Japanese as “Krauts” and “Nips” (etc)
    Those were the days (sigh). . . . .

  7. @JohnS: “…have been banned here…”. Wait a minute – I thought you said in one of your comments that you were in California, not Russia.

    Oh well – six of one, a half dozen of the other, I suppose.


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