Donald J. Trump – A Message for Iowa – IOTW Report

Donald J. Trump – A Message for Iowa

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29 Comments on Donald J. Trump – A Message for Iowa

  1. Thanks for posting that Mr. Pinko…..Everyone that demeans Trump does so because of his brashness and arrogance which I refer to as extreme confidence but never knowing the stories that are never told. I am strong for Cruz but Donald has got my vote if he wins the nomination because he fears no one!!!!

  2. We had that “compassionate leadership from GW Bush. Did it work out. SCOTUS is an absolute mess. 50% conservative rating. epic fail. We felt bad for the sand niggers in Iraq, freed the all and got nothing in return thanks to the left. Again epic fail. Free healthcare, Yes I know, eic fail from the Rats. Trump would have signed the fucking bill to.

    He’s a cult of personality who is turning many people off like me by insulting both them and their intelligence.

    Thanks but no thanks Mr. Pinko. You’re a good guy and have much respect for your views but this guy is playing you like a harp. Don’t fall for the “he’s the only one that can win” bit. Done that with Mitt and he was the same way without the big mouth.

    I want a guy that understands the evils of socialism not one that embraces the “good parts(are none) We need that constitutional conservative(Ted Cruz) and I don’t care what part of the planet he may hail from. At this point I would embrace Oleg from The People’s Cube because of his view on communism.

  3. For the first time in my voting life I feel not just good, but great, voting for someone whom I believe is who he says he is. I doubt if I’ll ever be able to say that about another candidate for president again.

    Thanks, Mr. P. for posting this. Trump knows what the American Dream is and he knows what Americans want. Again.

  4. I would’ve been on Team Cruz in October if anyone was able to convince me that Cruz could win more states than Trump in the General election.
    To me, it was a question of all in with Cruz, with a slim shot at winning the election, or go with Trump, who has a much better shot at winning the General, get a wall and enforce illegal immigration.
    Illegal Immigration is the NUMBER ONE problem in America. You don’t solve that, all else does not matter.

  5. Menderman – I TOTALLY AGREE SPENDING is one of our top problems. Spending is an illegal immigration related problem. To cut spending you need to deport illegals, enforce immigration. Illegals are draining our $$$.
    Like an umbrella, under the #1 problem – immigration – lay all our other problems – spending, economy, crime, entitlements, health-care, jobs, etc… – solve the illegal immigration problem, all those other problems become easier to tackle.

  6. I really, really do not think Trump is out to fail, out to screw anyone over, out to embarrass himself.
    I think he believes in America,
    I think he believes in MY America.
    He doesn’t believe in Obama’s America.
    He doesn’t believe in Bernie Sanders’ America.

    He’s brash. He’s egotistical. He’s mean.
    He hasn’t been groomed since high school on how to be a lifetime professional politician, like Cruz and Rubio.

    These guys have been practicing in front of the mirror, like a budding Miss America, practicing their sympathy face, their concern face, their outrage face.

    Trump is 69 years old.
    Never cared about running for office. He hasn’t practiced in front of the mirror.
    It shows. I like it.

    He doesn’t care about lots of things that Americans don’t care about – like the DC apparatus.

    I get the sense that people are slipping back into their comfort zone by preferring Cruz or Rubio.

    I’m losing faith that the same old cookie-cutter, meet the new boss- same as the old boss, people are even listening to us.
    Oh, they do during campaign season. I see the concern face, the sympathy face. And then they become unrecognizable once they’re in office.
    Forget Rubio. That guy is a slime.

    Cruz. I like what he says. There is something, I can’t put my finger on it, that moves my Trust Meter more than it does for Trump.

    Maybe because he’s been there during our screwing.

    I dunno.
    It’s a coin flip for me.

    I just think people have Trump all wrong.
    He means what he says.

    He’s a douche, not a phony or a liar.

  7. He’s a douche if he doesn’t like you or what you represent. He’s all in for America and Americans. Find me one other candidate who hasn’t flaked out on us, hasn’t sold us out for politics, money. Find me one other and I’ll flip a coin, too.

  8. A while ago, I was looking at the field wondering whom to choose. Trump – he IS egotistical, he IS brash, he IS prone to speaking off the cuff. BUT, he has brass bowling balls and no one doubts where he stands whether you agree with him or not. He is reckless, and seems overly simplistic with some of his offerings. I do not see another working as hard for the office, nor show the same sincere desire to turn this country around. I think he is the only one that can push the pendulum back.

  9. If you love capitalism ….he optimizes it….people think he is too rude….maybe rude and confidence is what we need about now….make shit happen and stop looking for some make believe candidate that doesn’t exist

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