Donald J. Trump International Airport Has a Nice Ring to It – IOTW Report

Donald J. Trump International Airport Has a Nice Ring to It


Republican Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (PA) introduced a bill to designate the Washington Dulles International Airport in Virginia as the “Donald J. Trump International Airport.”

The airport, located 26 miles west of Washington, DC, is currently named after John Foster Dulles, a United States Secretary of State during the Eisenhower administration from 1953 until 1959. More

11 Comments on Donald J. Trump International Airport Has a Nice Ring to It

  1. have to flush the totally-stupid-assholes out of all airports 1st. there must be plenty of dindu-grifter jobs still out there for the future butt-hurt poc.

  2. During early planning stages, the airport was named after the Virginia town it was going to be next to: Chantilly International Airport. When TPTB announced that, screw y’all, we’re going to call it Dulles, there was a minor protest and some lobbying to change it back. Ol’ John Foster, and of course his brother Allen the CIA chief, being key members of the cabal, won out. Duh.

    Too bad. Chantilly has a nice sound to it.

  3. @Jethro — I’d be surprised if you hadn’t taken advantage of this…

    For the first several years after IAD (Dulles airport code) opened, you pretty much had to use the Dulles Access Road. There’s an interesting history to that road, but that’s a story for another day.

    The important things were, first, that there were very few on-ramps on the way to IAD, and once you were on the road there were no exits until you got to the airport. Second, since the access road was built by and entirely with FAA money, there were no Virginia police of any flavor with jurisdiction on the road. The FAA, being incompetent cheapskates when it came to managing a highway, was responsible for patrolling the road. They did that with a pair of 4-cylinder Ford Falcons. And their radios rarely worked on top of being incompatible with all other police/emergency radios in the area.

    I think you may have already guessed that the access road was a favorite place to see just how fast your wheels would go. And you had more than ten miles to check things out. The FAA cops had zero chance of catching you, and once you got to the airport and started back to town, there were about five exits to bail out at and the FAA had no way to tell the Fairfax County or VA Troopers to stop you.

    We had us some fun out there, didn’t we, @Jethro?

    p.s. Just to put things in a calendar of sorts, IAD opened in, I think, 1962. I was in high school. Got my license in ’64, graduated in ’66. Started a three-year Army hitch in early ’69.

  4. @Uncle Al
    Although I remember hearing stories of the Dulles Access Road it was a bit before my time, and I was also on the other side of the Potomac, still playing with my Tonkas and Matchbox cars. My older brother probably experienced it during it’s heyday.
    I, on the other hand, had some fun on River Rd just west of Seneca and Rt 340 just past Jefferson, MD a few years later. I took my Honda CB900F to over 140 one Sunday morning on the way to the Summit Point races. “The lines on the road just looked like dots….”.


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