Donald J. Trump is my president – IOTW Report

Donald J. Trump is my president

7 Comments on Donald J. Trump is my president

  1. All the affirmative action initiative 88 would have done would be to give special privileges to queers, trannies etc. and I’m glad we voted it down. as for the $30 car tabs the damned state legislature try to nullify it again like they’ve done in the past. Ane we elected Nadine Woodward as our new Mayor in Spokane beating ben Stuckart the left wing candidate and the City Council presidency is still too close to call but the left winger Breann Beggs (he’s a guy with a girls name) is losing by less than 1000 votes so things are looking up around here.

  2. Geo – that Breann guy must of had a hard time growing up, maybe his parents intended it to make him ruff a tuff like the Johnny Cash song “A Boy Named Sue”.

    President Trump is a national treasure, as far as I’m concerned we don’t need to have any presidential elects until Trump quits or passes away. KAG


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