Donald Trump Addresses The Economic Club of New York – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Addresses The Economic Club of New York

Deep, substantive, sober and presidential.

“It used to be that cars were made in Flint and you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico. Now cars are made in Mexico and you can’t drink the water in Flint.” – Donald Trump


ht/ C. Steven Tucker

11 Comments on Donald Trump Addresses The Economic Club of New York

  1. Thirdtwin, I hope your right. I see this as a do or die election. And to have a group of people that think they are conservative, to think they are patriots to adopt this mind set is treasonous. Like I say, when the shooting starts we have a lot of targets.

  2. Prepare for Plugs Biden to jump in and try to surf the sympathy wave because Trump is going to CRUSH her in the first debate. I think She will therein promptly have a ‘relapse’ of her condition and chicken out rather than lose.
    But just in case she’s to drunk and stubborn to quit:
    Democrats better buy some shovels because I hear a landslide coming.

  3. The big financial bosses in NY don’t know whether to stand up or sit down! lol! It was a mixed crowd, but the ovations were for all the right stuff. I especially liked the Q&A. Trump knows this stuff cold. Great ideas.

    (I did notice when he was finished and shaking hands with everyone there were three younger guys standing behind him who wouldn’t shake hands with him. They just stood there with their hands clasped in front of themselves. And they weren’t Secret Service.)

  4. What is “The Economic Club of New York?”
    From the grunting, squirming, and lack of applause I figured they were some sort of socialist front organization. New York (city and state) is NOT a bastion of Liberty or Freedom – economic or otherwise.
    I’m guessing that their members use gov’t to crush their enemies and make life more profitable for them and their political hacks – all at the expense of the taxpayers.
    But that’s just a guess – based on nothing but a healthy skepticism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “it used to be that cars were made in Flint Michigan and you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico. Now you can’t drink the water in Flint (thanks to a collossal Democrat FUCKUP at the local, state and federal levels) and the cars are made in Mexico (thanks to corrupt Democrat politicians forcing their Globalist bullshit on us American citizens on behalf of Crony Capitalist Corporate Amerika)”

    Simply put, BRILLIANT!

    TRUMP 2016

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