Donald Trump Announces Plan to Counter-sue Democrats for DNC Server – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Announces Plan to Counter-sue Democrats for DNC Server

BREITBART: President Donald Trump reacted to the news that the Democrats had decided to sue his presidential campaign for an illegal conspiracy with the Russians to win the 2016 election.

“Just heard the Campaign was sued by the Obstructionist Democrats,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “This can be good news in that we will now counter[sue] for the DNC Server that they refused to give to the FBI.”

Despite the DNC claim that their emails were hacked by the Russians, they never turned over their server to the FBI for investigation. MORE

10 Comments on Donald Trump Announces Plan to Counter-sue Democrats for DNC Server

  1. Now come the media reports where “Trump is fuming about the DNC lawsuit, and top aides privately worry that they can’t control him” and then a flurry of “explainers” telling us why a raging Trump can’t actually get his hands on those servers.

    Did you know that the DNC already has had a lawsuit against Wikileaks for quite some time? And it is going nowhere?


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