Donald Trump Jr. to launch gun rights group – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Jr. to launch gun rights group


Donald Trump Jr. is launching a new gun rights group that he says will be a vehicle for fighting against Democratic gun control efforts. 

Fox News Digital has learned that Trump Jr. will be launching the Second Amendment Task Force and will serve as the chairman of the group as it works to protect Americans’ right to bear arms.

“The Second Amendment is the whole ballgame; it’s the freedom that protects all of our other freedoms. Unfortunately the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress are hellbent on eroding our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, whether it’s nominating radical gun-grabbers to senior positions in the executive branch or pushing anti-gun legislation,” Trump Jr. told Fox News Digital. “The Second Amendment Task Force is entirely devoted to ensuring the Left is never successful in disarming American citizens.” 

The Second Amendment Task Force is the first advocacy group that Trump has launched and been directly involved with. The group plans to make a push in the upcoming midterm elections this year, especially in the voter registration sphere.

Additionally, the group says it will fight against Biden administration nominees and Democrat legislative initiatives that could impinge on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. more

10 Comments on Donald Trump Jr. to launch gun rights group

  1. I’ve noticed that in the entire Constitution the only place where “shall not be infringed” appears is the Second Amendment. That’s how vital our Founders believed that Amendment to be.

  2. Just don’t get directly involved with the NRA, no matter how “good” LaPierre makes it sound (for (LaPierre). DTJr and the Task Force will just get smeared with the same dirt and financial non-transparency as currently infests the NRA.

  3. @ President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight APRIL 27, 2022 AT 9:37 AM

    The NRA-ILA is staffed by a bunch of greasy swampers who move back and forth between government and the ILA. Don’t give then one thin dime.

    The NRA competition, educational and training programs are absolutely vital and not only need our support, they are absolutely worthy of our support. Donate directly to them. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT give money to anyone who cold calls asking for donations. The little bit of your money given to the telephone solicitors that gets past the paid solicitors goes to into the ILA and Wayne LaPierre Personal Expense Slush Fund.


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