Donald Trump: Mitt Romney Fights Me More than He Did Barack Obama – IOTW Report

Donald Trump: Mitt Romney Fights Me More than He Did Barack Obama

Breitbart: President Donald Trump further ridiculed failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney for continuing to criticize him and his presidency.

“If he fought really hard against President Obama like he does against me, he would have won the election,” Trump said.

Romney criticized Trump in a Washington Post op-ed for failing to “seize the mantle” of the presidency by leading with dignity to inspire the world, criticizing his bad approval numbers around the globe.

“I was expecting something, but I’m surprised he did it this quickly,” Trump said, noting that he expected criticism from Romney, despite his endorsement. Romney ran and won his race for Senator of Utah with Trump’s endorsement in 2018.

“I wish Mitt could be more of a team player,” Trump said. “I endorsed him and he thanked me profusely.”

Trump defended his low approval ratings in foreign countries, noting that he was elected as president of the United States.

“I shouldn’t be popular in Europe. If I were popular in Europe I wouldn’t be doing my job,” he said.


16 Comments on Donald Trump: Mitt Romney Fights Me More than He Did Barack Obama

  1. Why does America still hang on to these corrupt, disturbed ego-centric personalities like romney and pelosi and obummer and mccain and kenned and both clintonsy – and more. Morally they are not the leaders we need even if some people think they are the ones they want. Its got us in deep doo-doo all the time.

    Trump isn’t perfect but he sure seems more real than mittens (is that dog still on the top of car after the trip to D.C.?)

  2. Meet the Sheet Romney is airing his dirty laundry…
    It is a toss up between Snit and Shameless Shillary,
    The choice between two losers is difficult,
    The correct answer is President Trump.
    The biggest problem the wanna be Pressy was born in Mexico.

  3. Mittens:

    Born in Detroit
    Governor of Massachusetts
    Senator from Utah


    Pick a place, Mittens! You seem to have as much trouble with that as you do with a foundational philosophy – socialist – totalitarian – nihilist – RINO – National Socialist – Grifter – communist – and some weird melange of all.
    Or, maybe, just pure opportunist?
    Not that there’s anything wrong with that – though – most of you maggots at least pretend to believe in something.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Yeah, but remember how Romney tore into Hillary all through the 2016 campaign?

    Oh, wait…

    “Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney revealed on Friday that Hillary Clinton encouraged him to consider serving as President Donald Trump’s secretary of state…Romney, appearing before a group of major Republican Party donors here, said that he reached out to Clinton last year after getting a phone call from then-Vice President-elect Mike Pence informing him that he was on the shortlist for secretary of state.”

    F–king prick. Trump was way too nice to him.

  5. Trump kept Romney around to make Trump look good.
    And Romney is so oblivious, because he is so full of himself, that he doesn’t even realize when he falls into a barrel of his own shit. Please continue, President Trump!

    Mitt(!) IS cut from the same cloth as Yeb!.

  6. I voted for Romney. But at the end, I was disgusted with him because he did not have the cojones to fight. I still remember the last debate with Obama when he could have nailed him and Hillary for Benghazi. I kept thinking…OK, Mitt, start kicking their assess. Of course, he never mentioned it. Romney folded like he held a pair of deuces. He coulda been President…instead, he’s a bum.

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