Donald Trump Naked in Bed With Kanye and Kim in Latest Video – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Naked in Bed With Kanye and Kim in Latest Video

What is it with the left’s obsession with a naked Donald Trump?

Kanye and Kim are naked in bed with 10 celebrities in his latest video. I don’t know which inclusion is more disturbing, Bill Cosby or Bruce Jenner.

kanye-famous-video copy

I heard that George Bush was in the video, but I think they meant Jeb.

My guesses –> Left to right: Jeb Bush, ?, Donald Trump, Rhianna, ?, Taylor Swift, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, ?, ?, Bruce Jenner, Bill Cosby



11 Comments on Donald Trump Naked in Bed With Kanye and Kim in Latest Video

  1. Umm…I always heard the Left was *cool* with all this sort of stuff
    (to the point of promoting it to elementary school children).

    They need to give me a reason to *care*.

  2. Kanye did this? I think he’s just trying to strike back at the mime that’s been floating around IG for a while. It show a picture of Kim and says “Kim K. has announced she’s going to start bleaching her asshole”. Next frame down is a picture of Kanye labeled “Kim’s Asshole”. Reports are it really pissed him off.


    Trump originally advocated a ‘temporary’ but blanket ban on Muslims emigrating to the U.S.
    That became a country-specific ban on Muslims entering from high-terror nations
    On Saturday that position evolved further – articulating two levels of scrutiny but no blanket ban on any population

  4. The fact that Kanye is so obsessed w/ Taylor Swift is what really troubles me. One of the lyrics to his ‘song’ are “I know u wanna **** with me taylor.” A potential rapist if I ever heard and saw one. I hope he gets his slimy depraved self sued for everything he has.

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