Donald Trump releases the results of a physical taken last week to Harpo Productions – IOTW Report

Donald Trump releases the results of a physical taken last week to Harpo Productions

Trump released his records into enemy territory, giving Dr. Oz, a show produced by Oprah Winfrey’s production company, full access to his latest physical.

When will Hillary do the same?

I propose they do a doctor swap.

Trump can go to the uncertified Lisa Bardack and Hillary can go to the eccentric Harold Bornstein.

Now we have a show.

18 Comments on Donald Trump releases the results of a physical taken last week to Harpo Productions

  1. It is like trying to prove a Law of Nature to Al Gore types. They don’t believe, they refuse to listen, they obfuscate, lie, twist, lie some more. If it is not contributing to their immediate financial gains, they don’t play as honest fair media. I wouldn’t bother with that lot of the misbegotten. Release the health records to Assange. He has the where-with-all to get it out to the world and they pay attention.

  2. Harpo and Orca will lie and twist the reports. He needs to release the same copy to Wikileaks now. Nothing is beneath the contempt those liberals like Orca, Barky, Hilldabeast, Willy engender.

  3. “Why,” JTuck?!?

    It’s called STRATEGY, sonny.
    THINK: “I did, now it’s YOUR TURN, Hillary.”

    Not that it will have an effect on the media, but his targeted audience is undecideds/moderates who may be swayed by his cooperativeness versus Hillary’s obfuscation and evasion.

  4. I’m not your son Czar. Anyone not decide at this time shouldn’t even vote. Frankly I think a lot of people on this site are getting tired of your shit. Your a small little man acting like a hard guy on your computer. Then again you probably like hard guys.

  5. I would never be the son of Czar the author of I have two Dads.
    Pinehurst NC haven’t seen you show up you coward.
    I use my real name and don’t hide behind Czar of Defenestration
    which translated means Czar who likes to drink Zima with jolly ranchers!

  6. Fine, JTuck, I’ll just call you A§$H*LE.
    That’s more fitting.

    The more you write, the more you sound like a Leftist:
    “Anyone not decide[d] at this time shouldn’t even vote.”

    FIRST “tell”:
    Should, should, should, A§$H*LE.
    In reality, millions wait until the last few days.
    That’s why campaigns work tirelessly to the last minute,
    even driving some to the polls.

    SECOND “tell”:
    “I think a lot of people on this site are getting tired of your shit.”
    You never said mindreading was a skill you possessed.
    I’d be impressed if you had a mind in the forst place, A§$H*LE.

    BTW, look up “defenestration,” a proud part of Czech history.
    There’s a window with your name on it, A§$H*LE.

  7. You want to throw me out a window sounds like ISIS throwing gays off the roof. If I were you I would not travel to the mid east.
    Call me what you want you still haven’t given me your real name. coward.
    I really enjoyed your expertise on how the Secret Service works you should write a book.

  8. So what time is Hillary’s rally tomorrow? Hope it’s early. It’s a bit warmer in NC than NYC. And she definitely doesn’t want to be speaking when the Dr. Oz show comes on at 1:00. Huma, be sure and pack her Z1 Blues. She might forget them, she’s often confused.

  9. Trump’s show on Dr. Oz was purely to put his face on daytime tee vee and say “hey” to all the women who are totally hooked on The Dr. Oz Show. Brilliant. Again.

    The proof of his excellent health is apparent and seen at daily rallies, interviews, fund raisers and special event speeches. I’m not the only one who thinks the guy is actually beginning to look younger, not older, for having spent over a year on the campaign trail. He’s set the bar so high it will be a long, long time before anyone surpasses him as a campaign warrior.

    Jon Voight made nearly his entire interview with Varney on Fox Business this morning about Trump’s character and his stamina. It’s a great interview:

  10. I agree, Trump appearing on the Dr Oz show is genius.
    He’s reaching millions of stay-home women who are often clueless about politics.

    I agree with Scott Adams: Trump can win over millions of Low-fo voters, many of whom are white females focused on daily family chores and not politics, just by being on TV and smiling and not acting crazy.
    I’m hoping the campaign gets Ivanka out there too. Ivanka connects with women on some visceral estrogen level that is astonishing.
    My better half instantly disliked Sarah Palin.
    Yet she instantly bonded with Ivanka on first
    sight. Instant sorority-sister feelings. Very different from how most men evaluate

    Trump’s stamina amazes me. The guy stands nonstop for 2-3 hour rallies, twice a day, 7 days a week, is constantly in the air or on the air doing interviews and call-ins, and manages both his campaign and a $10B business empire (he’s converting the old landmark DC Post Office Bldg on Penn Ave, just down from the White House, into what will be an amazing Trump luxury hotel complex.)

    The guy’s phenomenal. And I’m very glad he is staying off Twitter and letting the Clintons dig their own graves with the medical lies.
    I’m going to LOVE saying ” President Trump” on November 09.

    Trump 2016.

  11. I agree this was a good move by Trump. Oz has a wide audience.
    And Trump can use this as part of his muslim outreach, when Americanphobes accuse him of “islamophobia”, because Oz is a muzzie.

    That audience needs to know about Trump being the better candidate. You can tell just by looking at him, he’s a healthy guy. Can’t say that for the witch.

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