Donald Trump Surprises Louisiana Rally with Duck Dynasty Stars Phil and Willie Robertson – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Surprises Louisiana Rally with Duck Dynasty Stars Phil and Willie Robertson

President Donald Trump surprised his rally in Lousiana with an appearance by Phil and Willie Robertson from the popular reality TV show Duck Dynasty.

Breitbart; The president called them both up on stage to speak to the crowd about the upcoming Louisiana election for governor.

“Duck Commander” Phil Robertson explained why he was supporting Republican candidate Eddie Rispone.

“I got it down to this. If you’re pro-God, pro-America, and pro-gun and pro-duck hunting, that’s all I want!” Robertson said briefly to the cheering crowd.

Willie Robertson thanked all of the Trump supporters present at the arena.

“You’ve been such a great community to share life with, to worship with, and I’m so tickled to be here with the president, that he actually came down to our community,” he said. “Let’s go, Eddie!” read more

5 Comments on Donald Trump Surprises Louisiana Rally with Duck Dynasty Stars Phil and Willie Robertson

  1. I loved the show myself back when I paid for cable TEE-VEE.

    They are the only show since the Beverly hillbillies that advocated hunting squirrel’s for food and they took it one step further by having the momma show her cooking them up, talking about the ingredients, and then showed how much everyone in the family loved to eat them after they all sat down and thanked the Lord for their many blessing.

    The only wonder is that it lasted so long while advocating for the american way, guns, Christian religion, teaching their kids the difference between right and wrong AND handing out punishments for them when needed!

  2. Trump isn’t fighting for his own man in Louisiana:
    “Bevin will not concede Louisiana, and Trump is being a beta cuck
    Bevin is citing numerous serious irregularities in the election which saw him lose to a leftist by less than a half a percent, and Trump is telling him he did great, and to let it go.
    Either Trump is ignorant to the ends of the world, or he’s part of the problem. We had people posting to Twitter how they shredded Republican ballots and laughed about it, yet nothing is getting done, and obvious irregularities are being ignored, even by Trump. That’s a BIG PROBLEM.”

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