POTUS Taunts Nancy Pelosi and ‘Failing’ San Francisco – IOTW Report

POTUS Taunts Nancy Pelosi and ‘Failing’ San Francisco

“The Democrats always play the Race Card, when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people.”

Breitbart: President Donald Trump shifted his attacks Sunday from Rep. Elijah Cummings for failing Baltimore to Speaker Nancy Pelosi for failing San Francisco.

“Speaking of failing badly, has anyone seen what is happening to Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco.” Trump wrote on Twitter. “It is not even recognizable lately. Something must be done before it is too late.”

Enraged Democrats on Saturday condemned Trump’s criticism of Cummings as “racist” after the president described Cummings’ district in Baltimore as a “disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess.”

“Rep Cummings is a champion in the Congress and the country for civil rights and economic justice, a beloved leader in Baltimore, and deeply valued colleague,” Pelosi responded on Twitter. “We all reject racist attacks against him and support his steadfast leadership.”

Trump replied his criticism of Cummings was not racist.

“[T]here is nothing wrong with bringing out the very obvious fact that Congressman Elijah Cummings has done a very poor job for his district and the City of Baltimore.” Trump wrote. “Just take a look, the facts speak far louder than words!” more here

SNIP: And a replay from yesterday-

Resident of Baltimore Agrees with Trump: Cummings ‘Hasn’t Done Anything for Us’

Trump retweeted the video with the caption: “@RepCummings— your district!”

17 Comments on POTUS Taunts Nancy Pelosi and ‘Failing’ San Francisco

  1. Democrats don’t like truth.

    They do not want their deteriorating districts, where their representation has done nothing but serve themselves while completely failing the people they are supposed to be representing, pointed out to them.

    Their response to pointing this out is highly predictable, unthinking vitriolic hatred of Trump instead of addressing the needs of their people he is pointing out to them.

  2. None of the dems or RINOs care about their constituents. They are threatened by an outsider that has destroyed their lives of bilking the country that has made them millionaires. Trump made his money by being a businessman and building an empire not by being a freeloader lifer politician. They can’t handle this and the only thing they can think of is we need to get rid of him.

  3. Oh, SanFranNan, Cummings and the rest know very well what their respective districts look like. They just don’t care. Politics to them was always a means to their own personal ends and the easiest grift out there to achieve them. Look at Pelosi and Cummings; two of the best examples of the accumulation of personal wealth — through what?

    When the Left uses sob stories about people, they never get personal about individual people. Unlike POTUS Trump, who gets to know personal stories and makes phone calls and sends personal notes (not written by staffers), the left uses people as mascots and then you never hear about the poor slob again. Take the Angel Moms and Dads; you see them repeatedly with Trump and spoken about, by name, by him. Pelosi probably has a hard time even remembering the names of her own grandchildren. Cummings, living large on the taxpayers, undoubtedly holds them in deep contempt for being so gullible.

  4. The top 10 Rat-Controlled, rat infested cities… according to Orkin:
    Los Angeles
    New York
    Washington, DC
    San Francisco

    Yer only number 5 on the list of rat-infested, disease-ridden, filthy cities, Nance!
    Obviously you need to try harder!!

  5. I’m sure one of my good friends that also visits the “CUBE” could do a catchy little parody using Scott McKenzie’s song SAN FRANCISCO that would hit right in the heart of the matter. 🙂

  6. A new Foxworthy routine:
    “You may live in a Shithole”
    When they make an app so you can avoid the feces.. “You may live in a Shithole”
    When you can get Typhus by walking down the street…”You may live in a Shithole”
    When the Bubonic Plague is in a segment on the local news..”You may live in a Shithole”
    When your hometown videos of Rats stealing Pizza go viral..”You may live in a Shithole”
    When you go to the Emergency room and you’re the only one who speaks English..”You may live in a Shithole”

  7. We’ve had any number of black re-makes of movies and re-writes of history (“Annie”, “Hamilton”), so how about it, Hollywood? Time for My Fare: Gravy with the star character Elijah Do-Little learning Standard English in order to “pass”.


  8. There are thousands of Michelles out there. Desperately disenfranchised enough to cry out for help from a President the left has told them is racist.
    What the left doesn’t understand is that liberal (not leftist) black Americans like Michelle, have been waiting for a President to speak for them too.
    Yeah, they help make their hellhole possible by voting in these scumbag Democrats, but they also lack the resources to fight off leftist criminal government infrastructure undermining any effort by these communities to get out of poverty. The crap has hit the fan. Thanks to what leftists have done, liberal black Americans will be overwhelmingly voting for President Trump 2020.

  9. Even if they were so inclined, they’ve ALL been too busy trying to find any valid-sounding (to CNN-morons) reason to impeach Trump, and to hell with doing their jobs.

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