Donald Trump: ‘Whistleblower’ Must Testify; ‘Written Answers Not Acceptable’ – IOTW Report

Donald Trump: ‘Whistleblower’ Must Testify; ‘Written Answers Not Acceptable’


President Donald Trump ripped the so-called ‘whistleblower’ on Monday after lawyers agreed to allow him to answer written questions from House Republicans.

“He must be brought forward to testify,” Trump wrote. “Written answers not acceptable!”

Trump argued the “whistleblower” gave false information about his call with the Ukrainian president and worked with House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff before coming forward.

The identity of the “whistleblower” has already been revealed in a report by Real Clear Investigations, although lawyers refused to confirm or deny the report but rather pretended his identiy remains a sacred secret.

Trump taunted the media on Sunday for not following up on his identity.

“You know who it is. You just don’t want to report it,” Trump said. “CNN knows who it is but you don’t want to report it. And you would be doing the public a service if you did.” read more

12 Comments on Donald Trump: ‘Whistleblower’ Must Testify; ‘Written Answers Not Acceptable’

  1. I’m curious what – if any – the penalties are for filing a false report/claim, since so many of the “details” were wrong.
    (Not talking about “oh Dems never have consequences” stuff, I mean legally)

  2. The guy claimed on his fake whistleblower form, (he’s not a real whislteblower), that he had no contact with anyone else, like schiff-faced’s office. He swore on that form under penalty of perjury.

    Of course nothing at all will happen to him for that because the doj is dirty and corrupt and Epstein didn’t kill himself.

  3. President Trump, as much as any American, has a right to face his accuser.

    It’s just too bad that half of America is rabidly un-American these days. Makes you want to punch the teeth out of a ‘journalist’ or a ‘professor’. grrrr

  4. “I certify that all of the statements made in this complaint (including any continuation pages) are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief,” whistleblowers are required to attest. “I understand that, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1001, a false statement or concealment of a material fact is a criminal offense punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment for up to five years, or both.”

    I vote for both.

  5. The impeach inquiry is obfuscation theater for a reason…if Schiff and crew didn’t have anything to hide this subversive would openly testify.

    The Dem’s are nearly off the cliff…and are so engulfed with their self-righteous lunacy they are mashing the accelerator. Works for me.


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