Donald Trump Wins Kentucky – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Wins Kentucky

Donald Trump has won the Kentucky caucuses. He barely beat Mr. Cruz in Kentucky, as well as winning Louisiana by a handful of points. Mr. Cruz beat Mr. Trump in Maine and Kansas by double digits in both.

18 Comments on Donald Trump Wins Kentucky

  1. Math is hard. The first state Cruz won split deligates. Cruz won that one and one other. Trump won two that don’t split. I’m tired and not looking it up tonight now but I think you’re missing some toes our fingers from that horrible accident with the midget hookers.

  2. I believe all the states tonight split proportionally

    Kansas 40 delegates
    Cruz 25
    Trump 9
    Robio 6
    Kasich 1

    Kentucky 46 delegates (so far)
    Trump 15
    Cruz 13
    Robio 7
    Kasich 5

    Maine 23 delegates
    Cruz 12
    Trump 9
    Kasich 2
    Robio 0

    Louisiana 46 delegates (so far
    Trump 13
    Cruz 11
    Robio 0
    Kasich 0

    so after all is said & done tonight, not much has changed
    ….confusing, ain’t it?

  3. Ok, I must be bad at Common Core, but I can’t come up with Bad_Brad’s numbers. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ’s numbers appear to be dead on if the totals remain where they are currently.

    I guess when Bad_Brad says “net gain” he is referring to the totals AFTER some arbitrary subtraction of a factor to make Trump followers feel better about tonight.

    It appears by the math us normal folk use that Cruz gained 61 delegates to Trump’s 46. This would seem to indicate a net gain for Cruz of 15 over Trump tonight.

    Something about winning two by huge numbers and losing the other two by very small amounts made this possible.

  4. Maybe just maybe the voters are wising up against the wife cheating, pro abortion, single payer lover and authoritarian named slime bag Trump. I really want to vote in this election so things are looking up.

  5. Ah Bad_Brad, the numbers in the Anonymous post above are the same for Cruz’s net gain on Donald.

    With those numbers Cruz has 65 delegates from yesterday’s results while poor Donald managed 50.

    Still a NET gain by Cruz on Donald of 15.

    So I ask again, by what math do you find;

    “Cruz net gain 47. Trump net gain 77.” ?

    You really should go to bed earlier, the late hour and Trump’s losses must be playing with your mind.

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