I think I’ve just seen something extraordinary in Ivanka.
I hope Donald can top her performance.
I think I’ve just seen something extraordinary in Ivanka.
I hope Donald can top her performance.
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Ivanka… What A Woman!!! (I’m not even into chicks!)
She is an extremely impressive woman.
His whole family is impressive.
….and she’s cute, too
Bison Guy, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you. Your email gets bounced back._ bfh
The kind that makes you stammer.
What a sweetie
Runs companies too,
stunning, eloquent…absolute perfection.
“Let’s defeat her in November, okay?”
And therein lies our mission.
Trump’s hair looks good tonight.
He just told the NWO to go to hell.
LOVE THIS MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ivanka killed it.
She is perfection personified.
Poised and proper.
I would vote any way she asked me to. 🙂
Prediction: DJT will wipe the floor with the witch.
The bolder he speaks the more cheers he gets. Go Trump. USA!
Trump is killing it. He’s connecting the dots with how to repair America without it sounding like BIG GOVERNMENT.
It’s actually repairing the basics of what a government is for – safety, infrastructure, securing a country’s position around the globe, upholding justice, all leading to prosperity. “You can’t have prosperity without law and order.”
Code pinker idiot.
Very Presidential. And Masculine… exactly what we need. Trump IS killing it!
Nailed Hillary on her single biggest accomplishment – getting away with her crimes.
BFH – I changed my email. The new one shows up in the ‘comment’ box
Doesn’t have to say “please clap” like JEB.
Well that ought to clear up the refugee immigration thing
Winners execute. Trumps a winner.
I’m convinced now that Hillary is toast.
It’s too bad we have to wait until November to vote!
I just tuned in. Trump is serious about the border. And he’s kicking Hillary’s arse.
If Ivanka was my boss I would make it to work early every friggin day!
I’d come in on Saturdays, holidays, etc.
Sigh* 🙂
Trump’s getting emotional talking about the murderous illegals. Who can blame him. Good man.
While Trump is eviscerating team Clinton, Bill is into some strange and Hillary is already drunk.
Good times!
Hillary’s toast, for sure, Fur. But right now, as Trump is speaking, I’d venture to say she’s also toasted. Six empty Grey Goose bottles scattered on the floor while some mournful Patsy Cline song plays in the background.
I was in a 25 year career as an executive recruiter. I saw all of this after the second interview (his second full-length speech and the first debate). Now, may I humbly ask everyone’s forgiveness for being an unapologetic Trumpster for the past year? 🙂
As Malania Trump said, “It won’t even be close.”
Has Obama said that ONE FUCKING TIME in the past eight years?
Didn’t think so.
Worse still – having to wait until Jan 20, 2017, to evict the Halfrican bastard.
Why the fuck am I getting thumbed down for wishing Ivanka was my boss.
You guys need to chill!
Ivanka: She needs to control the nervous giggle. Otherwise, very, very good.
Donald: He’s killing it, totally tearing the place up. I bet the locals are watching him on the TVs at their neighborhood bars and saying, “Damn, why can’t the Indians be this good?”
“U.S.A.! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!”
Alinsky’s bitch!
As I said yesterday, Trump is going to grind Hilliary into powder if she doesn’t drop out for health reasons.
No pastel colors here.
The only weird sour note is his insistence that he will punish companies if they go overseas. That’s not quite a conservative position.
It’s not a message of freedom.
He should stick to saying he will get out of the way of companies and make it attractive to stay here and manufacture.
If I’m off the mark, someone tell me where I have it wrong.
Trump is a lock…….he is killing it right now. He’s baking Hillary’s ass…..
MSM will repeat these terms:
“Red Meat”
“Fear Mongering”
“Angry voters”
You watch…
Energy restrictions lifted.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Kill all that massive regulation.
Clean it up so that it’s workable.
Jobs, jobs, jobs, = prosperity.
TSA and 0bamacare going in the shitter. I really love this guy!
Actually, Yonkers, the Indians ARE pretty good this year! 😉
Pretty proud of Cleveland—looks like winning a championship paid off, and just in time! 😂
Abigail, you stand by your convictions and you never apologize.
DJT is THE MAN for these crippled times. I have known this since June 2015.
“If I’m off the mark, someone tell me where I have it wrong.”
I’m not going to say you are wrong but I will say you need to understand a lot of these very very stupid CEO’s. Off shoring is a mantra. If you don’t off shore your not cool. Yes these people are that stupid. Might take what Trump is saying to change that culture. Met them, understand them. Trust fund baby’s.
I just went over to Hillary’s Twitter feed. It’s about what you’d expect.
BFH, it is too late to start listening to what he says.
That train left the station.
Hear that? Evangelicals. Mike Pence is an evangelical.
Stop bashing evangelicals, please.
When is the first debate? Can’t wait to see him mop the floor with the Hildabeast !
Fur — He’s talking about companies that offshore in search of low-wage workers and avoiding U.S. regulations and import tariffs. He understands that companies have flown the coop because of these three things. That’s not the end game, but until regulations that block business start up, including forced medical insurance regs, are changed, he wants to stop the bleed-out. The goal is to create a robust, business-supporting climate that will not only cause American companies to return, but to entice overseas companies to invest here as well.
Wish the Shitpickle train would leave the station. With that major shitpickle smoker JS on it.
I haven’t been this hopeful in SO many years!!
Shitpickle: That’s a great term, btw, BFH!
#NeverTrump is looking pretty friggin’ silly tonight.
I don’t know how this evening is being interpreted as Trump is “worse than Hillary.”
This is a full-throated platform of conservatism.
I’m not so sure how Cruz’s message could be any more conservative than Trump’s.
The strife and grief and divisiveness they’ve caused is not at all in proportion to what we are witnessing.
All you have left is “I don’t believe him.”
Great. We’re going to roll the dice on Hillary because you have “a gut feeling that you are being lied to.”
We’re going to give Hillary the commander-in-chief position because we need to bypass Trump and get to Cruz.
I could absolutely vomit over that moronic plan.
I shut Mark Levin off all day. I can’t take his whining about Cruz.
The Donald is speaking American. Love it.
For a uniquely personal touch, Trump should call WCBS-FM in New York City (a station with a “golden oldies” format) and dedicate M. C Hammer’s “U Can’t Touch This” to Hitlery.
That bitch is dead meat.
Fur, Ted who?
BFH – Talk to someone who had to train their replacement. I had to teach Chinese engineers how to do design my companies products years ago because that is what my company wanted (cheap labor). Now my company is expanding design centers in China and shrinking them here. The management of my company lied to the employees, telling them to write their congressmen to support TPP.
God Bless Donald Trump. We love you too!
Good to see everyone being respectful on this thread. Speech may have been ghost written and rehearsed but it’s still inspiring as hell. He sounds sincere, honest and tough as hell and I can’t help thinking of Hillary, Isis, Iran and every other thug watching this and shitting their pants handily. He looks like a badass and it’s awesome!
That steely gaze!
Loved it
IHis plan is to level the field by eliminating regulations, lower corp taxes, cheap energy, etc.
I would agree if he punished companies without changing the uncompetetive rules.
Can we have the first debate during prime-time this Saturday night?
Trump will dump Hillary cage-match MMA style.
In other news, Ivanka’s dress just sold out across the country.
Seriously, women will buy those immediately.
I have no more stomach for the Cruz shit here anymore after tonight. In for a penny in for a pound. DJT is our last hope.
So thoughtful of Trump to provide the protesters with some fireworks.
I was so glad he didn’t mention Cruz or the campaign past.
Why go there? He didn’t and good for him.
Time to move forward.
Look at that lovely family! And the Pence family. What a bonus!
Rolling Stones having a conniption in 3..2..1
(Playing ‘Can’t Always Get What You Want’ in the auditorium)
I understand the problem, and I’m sympathetic to it and absolutely want to see it end.
I’m not so sure you can say you’re going to punish a company for deciding to go to Ireland.
Exit taxes?
Out of the park!
Over the top, down the other side, and back up again!
I haven’t campaigned for anyone since Reagan. That’s gonna change right now.
Import tariffs – what China and Mexico do.
Congress is packed with RINOS and DemoRats-they must be made powerless. With God’s help and favor Trump will keep his promise to make America Great again.
Long live the Republican party.
Long live Donald Trump.
FBO 0bama and clinton
That was a grand slam…….
What a fascinating musical selection. Very well calculated.
You can’t always get what you want but if you try sometimes you get what you need.
Change AMERICANS can believe in!
BFH. If he drops the corporate tax, drops taxes on repatriated money to get it back, restructures our punishing trade deals, eventually no one will want to leave. A smart man would lay a heavy Tarrif on ex pat corps that try and ship their product back into the U.S. And Trumps a smart man. I won’t add my tale of woe to AA’s and Jethro’s. You’ve heard it before.
Looks like I wasn’t the only one who felt inspired and hopeful tonite….its been a long, long time. To bad we can’t force people to watch this.
Can we have an Ivanka vs Chelsea debate?
Please please please!!! 🙂
Fur, I think you could do it with a disincentive points scheme rather than actual penalties.
Move your HQ to Ireland, then competing companies for gov contracts have an advantage when everything else is equal.
Move your AC manufacturing to Mexico, AC’s manufactured in the US have a 20% advantage in gov quotes.
Yes it’s nationalism
Yes it is protectionist
Yes its whateveryfuckingbodyelsedoesalready.
weak trolling, john, weak..
It wasn’t John. It is imperative that people do not do that – bfh
Is that your last name John? Did you swallow?
It wasn’t John. – bfh
JohnS, it’s nice runing into somebody occasionally that is a DICK by nature and not one that’s had to practice at it. Go join Sooper. He’s swirling the drain right now. DJT just pressed the lever on him tonight. Another stupid stupid individual. You’ll be in good company
We’ve got to keep it together for six months.
@Anonymous — “Thank you!” barely covers my gratitude, but thank you!!
I just wish everyone here could have seen what we saw all along 😉
(Maybe we have that special ‘Trump Insight’, that third-eye for sizing up talent.)
Jimmy, MJA, Dianny, true patriots sucked it up and made the logical next move. Loco, Menderman, not happening. JohnS is here for the shit disturbing in the first place so he doesn’t count. I think we have a pretty good team shaping up.
BB — In the immortal words of Elle Wood, “Yay! We did it!”
Congratulations, my friend! Now on to D.C.!!
Brad, on this night of unison you want to say I am not a patriot.
You could ruin a wet dream.
What an ass.
Loved it, every minute.
Trump was dismissed as a phony from the start, but I believe him. He put himself, his company and family on the line by telling us the hard truth about our situation. The man is a patriot, and I’ll vote my ass off for him.
Loco, I got you pegged. STFU
AA, virtual high five. We can’t take this race to easily. What ever we can do, what ever it takes.
BB — You know we will do everything. No time for losers! No more stupid arguments with the forces of darkness. It’s a zero sum game.
Did you love John Barrack’s speech?!! He made Clinton completely irrelevant to the Trump narrative.
just got back from work and decided to read the thread on Trump first, then watch the video tomorrow. Wisl i could have seen it live. Sounds like it was incredible.
Now the media is saying Trump cant win. listened to Tom Sullivan show on way home and is was “Trump cant win”
Bill Clinton v. Ivanka Trump debate.
AA, there were so many great speeches, especially yesterday. Unfortunately there was a cancer that drowned them all out. Ingram was out of this world. All the Trump kids are amazing. Too bad some broke dick loser screwed up that coverage. No matter. Can you imagine the very first coughing fit? Oops, I mean debate.
Brad, blow me you ectomorphic prissy little bitch.
You are a sad example of a man.
A blowhard with an inferiority complex.
Suck it asshole!
BB – Iwas thinking coughing fit as well. Maybe she falls over from it and lands on her face.
Ivanka Trump, in her introduction of her father, launched for herself, the most believable viable candidacy for first female president.
I want my money back! Soros promised riots … what a gyp!
I haven’t watched a convention and felt this good since 1980. I got to vote for Reagan in my first election.
BHO and HillBilly are just as incompetent as Carter, but way more evil. Trump/Pence will crush the eventual Democrat ticket.
I will sleep well tonight.
Well I gott tell you, one thing I’ve never been accused of is being prissy. I just read that line to my wife and she’s still laughing. Hey Loco, go try and find a job. Your here 24/7. It might help a little with your self respect.
commentator on Fox sez “In 2008 Barack Obama came out with ‘Yes we can’. History will say ‘No, you didn’t'” … lmao
BB — All Killery has is character assassination. That’s it. And all based on lies, edited clips, tortured doublespeak. And the Killery’s delivery makes me feel very, very sorry for people who are so twisted in their souls to believe it.
EDIT BUTTON …. ‘No, you couldn’t‘
All to Much. No health report. What’s up? I think she’s coughed at least two lungs.
Glad I could oblige Brad.
Once again, YOU attacked me first.
You know damn well I won’t back down from a fight.
You must want a fight.
I was 100% on the Trump Train tonight.
I was ALL IN.
But NOoooo, you have to say I am not a patriot.
Why? Why fuck with a cooperative dog?
Why? Why?
I don’t fucking get it?
Charlie WalksonWater July 22, 2016 at 12:37 am
Now the media is saying Trump cant win. listened to Tom Sullivan show on way home and is was “Trump cant win”
When the media says that they know Trump can’t win, it means they’re scared shitless. They say that in hopes it will stick, but it won’t. The libs always tip their hand, they are so easy to figure out. Go Trump!
P.S.I can’t stand to listen to Tom Sullivan. He has a speech impediment that drives me crazy! He stutters…F’ing stutters. I never listen to him. When Hannity starts ranting I turn him off too. I tune into FM Jazz or easy listening – it soothes my soul.
You were on the fucking loser Cruz train all day long. Can’t trust you, can’t count on you. If your not my freind you are my enemy. You chose. We have a good team building here, figure it out. I’m of the opinion there’s no time left. DJT love him or hate him is our last hope. I love him.
If yall want to do something positive send money to the campaign.
Agreed.! The Hilliary elocution is worse than finger nails on a chalkboard. It is also commical when she trys to talk like a Black or a southener.
Imagine if Cruz won the nomination and we had to listen to him and Hilliary in 6 debates. If I was the moderator, I would shoot myself on national TV.
Here’s a clue Brad_Cock, when someone is agreeing with you, don’t turn around and bitch slap them.
You must need enemies.
Were you dropped repeatedly as a child?
That boy aint right…
The Dems, and the crypto-Dems, are shitting themselves – full panic. In all likelihood, Trump buried Hillary tonight.
She does not have a prayer in the general – and they are realizing it right now.
Dear Barry 0bama,
You built this.
REAL America hates you.
Eat shit and die.
Please, pretty please, with a cherry on top.
GoldenFoxx, I had the AM on just to hear about Trumps speech, and the only station i could get was the one sullivan was on. He’s not on my list of preferred talk show hosts either. But he did admit he cant stand cruz because as a Christian, he should forgive Trump and endorse him.
Brad_Cock, I find it facinating you would go that direction. I have no problem with gays as long as you leave me alone and keep it inside your own bedroom. Your life style your choice. I think a lot of your community will help get DJT elected.
@Mortgages (MFTM) —
Yes, indeed. So weird. I have been Geoff C.’s touchstone when he gets all worried about voter fraud, dirty tricks, etc. from the Killery campaign. I’ve never been so certain of a thorough route by a Republican candidate in my life. I’ve been chary to say this because of how a certain candidate from Texas used extreme religion to manipulate voters, but I’ve had a growing conviction that we are wholly in God’s hands and I see divine intervention all over this enterprise.
Mr. JohnS, STFU already.
LOL….the media is already repeating their orders from the Clinton Campaign……the theme is “dark” speech/portrait…..blah, blah, blah…….so blatantly obvious.
Fierce presentation!
Where can we get some buses to haul voters around nearby counties to vote often?
If those asswipes can do it, so can we!
Good night Brad.
I hope you can sleep well.
I will try to be quiet while living rent-free in your vapid shrunken head.
Sorry, GoldenFoxx. That was meant to be a TU
wow … Hitlary spokesfascist on Fox just said that Trump’s ‘law & order’ part of the speech was a dog whistle for Hitler-speak
… this is where they’re going folks … get used to it … combat it
… & when I say ‘combat it’ … do it with ridicule … it’s the only thing that works
ridicule them for their paranoia, their stupidity, their obvious brain-cramp of history
Loco, no problem, I’ll sleep well, get up at 6:00, at the gym by 6.30, at work by 8:00. Like every day. And I won’t consider you until I get a chance to check in around 10:00 after I get all the machines running and the first parts off inspected. You over rate your sorry ass.
Brad, do you have some insane crush on me?
Should I be watching my back?
Seriously, it is starting to sound creepy!
I’ve noticed a lot of the liberals here like to gang up on the conservative and turn our “Hate Speech” into Chinese. You’ve learned well. You’ll fit right into the Hillary agenda. (Fucking Losers, get off my lawn)
Great speach. Great night. Now the work starts, again. Who here wants to work for the Trump team ? I can put you in touch with the Trump campaign to do campaign calls, yard signs, or door knocks.
Let Mr. Hat know and we will find a way to get in touch.
@Molon Labe — If you didn’t get a chance to listen to John Barrack’s speech tonight (I think I have the right guy, he was the one who didn’t use the podium, the fellow who told the stories of his 40 year friendship w/Trump), do listen to it. He made the best case for how to approach the next 3-plus months. It’s the high road, but not the meek road. The image comes to mind of the year I went to the Seattle Auto Show when Chrysler started making their ‘K’ cars. Boxy, clunky, horrid paint colors, completely unattractive, but promising great gas mileage. That’s all they could tout. But I rounded a corner and there sat something I couldn’t stop staring at: the first Jaguar XJS. Red. A sleek hood that went on forever. Connelly hide, leather interior, highly-laquered wood dash, glittering chrome wire wheels. After seeing that car, I could never imagine owning anything else — and didn’t — until I bought that car eleven years later.
When you see/hear Trump, you’ll never want the ‘K’ candidate. You’d rather not have a president at all unless you can have Trump.
MA -Loving the dialogue here. Most of it, anyway. I have not seen the speech other than I did catch the law and order part. Taken out of context, which it will be, and context being L&O isr equired for prosperity and freedom, you are are damn right MO(wierd symbol) (WS)(WS)BE
What I’m really getting a kick out of, however, is the Keyboard War going on between a couple folks here. Hey, its free and entertaining. On that front, I was behind Cruz very early on and remained so almost to the end. DT was my second choice. I’ve done a 180.
Before I did, however, I knew I would be voting for and supporting whomever was selected. Period. End of story.
So, LBO (Leveraged Buy Out?) and BB, please quit the yapping; get constructive. Though I will miss the laughs.
Really, hard to get constructive when every post you write turns into Chinese. Review the above. It’s bull shit.
@AA ~ thanks, I missed Barrack’s speech, but I will definitely look it up.
Side Story: Brought a Dodge/Chrysler once … only once … She Who Must Be Obeyed fell in love w/ a Dodge Asprin (Aspen) … it was the model the year before the infamous K-cars … worst car purchase EVER!!! no kidding … had to warm it up for 30 minutes in the winter, until the Catystrophic Converter was glowing cherry red before it could be driven without conking out… had that car in the shop more times than it ran … even the car mechanics said, “I give up”. Seriously, I actually had them saying that they couldn’t fix it… don’t bring it back…most US cars in the ’70’ through the ’90’s were absolute garbage
@BB ~ Fur needs to fix that glitch …. he will
What is that Chinese thing all about? I thoght maybe it was something like a TunyURL thing. What am I missing this time>
@ATM (& BB) … it’s an auto switch that blanks out the comment if too many ‘thumbs down’ occur … (all you need to do to see the comment is to click on the Chinese characters) … you just need to refresh the page to ‘thumbs-down’ again … it’s a common practice for posters (flamers, trolls)to continually do that until the post ‘disappears’ into Chinese characters … a way to shut down the post … sad, pathetic & lame, actually
@Molon Labe — You’ll enjoy his speech. An “Aspirin”! LOL!
I’ve been pretty lucky with cars. But I cried real tears when I had to get rid of my Jag when I got a Ford Mommyvan. No room for a car seat. Ugh.
watching the Trump acceptance speech again (& Ivanka’s introduction … can I have your baby?) & it’s even better the second time around.
‘No one knows the system better than me… & that’s why I’m the only one able to fix it’
@AA ~ Dodge Aspirin … the only car I truly loathed … feel your pain about losing the Jag … had to be painful
had a ’69 Ford LTD … leather seats, power everything, 390 engine … absolute gas guzzler … but that beauty was absolutely a dream on the highway (which had a speed limit of 70 mph … which meant that you could cruise @ 85 mph w/ no problem) … a lot was wrong with it … but, at least I could fix most anything that broke … including the A/C, power windows, points, plugs, stereo ….
… had a ’61 chevy impala 283 (wish I had it now … collector’s item
… had a ’61 corvair Monza
… had a ’67 Camaro … 327, 3 2-barrel carbs & a Holley shifter
… had a ’62 panhead 74 CHP surplus Harley that me & my cousins built from a mailorder crate … (why did I sell that?!!!!!)
… had a ’70 Ford Maverick … & it went downhill from there ….
Fur wrote: “The only weird sour note is his insistence that he will punish companies if they go overseas. That’s not quite a conservative position.”
That’s the whole point! It’s no longer ideology.
He’s a BOSS, and bosses know *when* to use the carrot, and when to use the stick.
I don’t “feel bad” for such abusive companies; they’re as parasitic to the USA as Al Sharpton.
p.s. Bad Brad has the answer to “how?” with “a heavy Tarrif on ex pat corps that try and ship their product back into the U.S.”.
is not “conservative,”
I don’t want to be conservative.
Trump’s first major hurdle will be overcoming the inertia of the GOPe. He won’t be able to enact anything without a supportive Republican House and Senate. And there’s a lot of butthurt in both places about him right now. I’m hoping his targeted use of the bully pulpit will get the recalcitrant in line.
We have lift-off!
We have direction!
We’re on course.
It feels good to believe in a winner again.
It didn’t feel that way with Romney (although I was encouraged)
It never felt that way with McCain!
It never felt that way with Dole.
Now we also have to keep the majority in the House and Senate or Trump’s battle will really be uphill. With that majority I really see Trump as a builder and a unifier, but first he has to start swinging the biggest wrecking ball ever to knock down Obamaville.
That includes every, single America-Hating Progressive Asshole that the Lying, Deserter-Honoring, Gay-Obsessed, Communist-Organizing, Racist, Marxist Muzlim, Shitpickle-Eating, Jug-eared Jihadi put into place!
Coffe is for closers.
We had to turn off the moronic PBS coverage and go to a live stream. Their analyst were anal to a intolerable degree.
Great speech last night. Also loved when they dragged out the pink trash.