Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’ – IOTW Report

Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’

The NY Post is reporting some amazing news.

Trump called a media summit where dozens of media outlets and personalities sat in a boardroom setting.

The media thought they were going to discuss what type of access they would be having in the white house. Instead, Trump went around the room pointing out the liars and the deceitful people.

He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said CNN was a network of liars.

He even made reference to Martha Raddatz crying on election night. Martha Raddatz was in the room.

This is beautiful.

Of course, the left and the deceitful, lying, butt hurt right will say it was a Nixon moment, Trump displaying a thin skin and paranoia.

Nope. It’s nothing like that. Trump is speaking the truth… the undeniable truth. And WTF is wrong with that?


ht/ bad brad

57 Comments on Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’

  1. Whole-e- shit! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
    He called them out and they can’t say shit about it.

    “He even made reference to Martha Raddatz crying on election night. Martha Raddatz was in the room.” LOL. I Bet everyone looked over at her. HAHAHAHA!

  2. I have TOES
    Trumpus Optimus Euphoric Satisfaction.
    I need no counseling, nor do I require a safe space, however I would like a couple days off to enjoy the feeling of rightness that has returned to the world.

  3. The Murdock boys have sworn to take Trump on. I would say the initial foray sank some of their battleships. Too bad! The more the word gets out they cannot hide anymore from America, the better for the truth and for Trump. When the landslide victor of the Presidential Election of 2016 serves out an ass-whupping, they can sit there and take what they earned, or quit and go work at Burger King.

  4. You mean he ambushed them?! But…but…but… only the asshole media is allowed to ambush people!

    I love the way President Trump uses their own tactics against them!

    Karma, my friends. It is a yuge bitch!

  5. Hillary made a career out of lying.
    The media has sworn to her ideology and methodology.
    Hillary never stopped lying, nor will the media.

    Against all odds Trump won the battle on the Media’s turf in the primary and general election.
    Trump owns the turf now and holds the high ground, he has initiated a new phase of an ongoing battle.

    Truth will prevail, not through the mainstream media, they lost all credibility.

  6. I listened to CNN coverage, in it they openly promoted sedition.
    Trump couldn’t do anything about the treasonous acts before, now he can.
    BLM, riots in Portland, cop killing, sedition once you go past peaceful protest and get into promoting violence against or promoting overthrow of a lawfully elected executive branch of government, treason.
    The MSM could be in for a whole new reason for butt burn.
    Just me, I imagine this was outlined for the young fools.
    That is probably where “firing squad” entered into their thoughts.

  7. “Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room? . . . There ain’t nothin’ more powerful than the odor of mendacity . . . You can smell it. It smells like death.” – Big Daddy, Cat On a Hot Tin Roof

  8. Informal off-the-record media summit? Shit. Trump told to be at a specific place, at a specific time, then proceeded to rip them all brand new assholes, for being assholes.

    This was a come to Jesus meeting, make no mistake. They are to play nice, or else.

    There’s a new President in town, and he’s going to kick some ass.

  9. “The media thought they were going to discuss what type of access they would be having in the white house. Instead, Trump went around the room pointing out the liars and the deceitful people.”

    I think they just learned how their access to Trump is going to be. Trump doesn’t forget, he remembers every single one of them and how they treated him. He won’t be very forgiving of the press, nor should he. I’ve heard the Obamas brag how the press is good to them. It’s going to be a great 4 years!

  10. Just like when he trolled them when he said he was going to make a statement about Obama and the birther issue. The press showed up eagerly waiting to drill him and instead, he spent 28 of 30 minutes having military leaders talk about their support of him and then the last 2 minutes he talks about the issue being closed. Press livid they were used to show live Trumps endorsements.

    Trump makes a call to the press before the debate. They come running for his pre-debate press conference and end up walking into a room with 4 of Bill Clinton’s sexual abuse targets. Press upset they were used again.

    Today Trump calls the media to his tower, they go running again like the idiots they are and he bushwhacks them again! Except this time this looks like the mother lode of all trolling, hitting all the big left wing battleships broadside and probably sinking a few in the process.

    Trump you magnificent bastard! I can’t wait to see how you troll em next time!

  11. Oh and seeing the picture of Stephaniepolous leaving Trump tower holding the newspaper in front of his pants, like he is hiding a big wet spot. Makes me think he pissed his pants after Trump got through with them.

  12. d be awesome if he cut them off and dealt only with the “New Media”, the blogs which kept up t and one the battle for our minds. I can see BFH and Company sitting around the Oval Office, enjoying a fine adult beverage, and maybe offering to paint a portrait of the family dog. Not Mooch; I’m referring to the Trump family dog. Sorry about the confusion.

  13. President Trump is channeling Bogart in The Maltese Falcon:

    “When you’re slapped you’ll take it and like it”

    A whole new day in America. The MSM can reform or face being shut out completely.
    Their stock price will plunge. And then Trump can use Antitrust law to break the mega-media up into much smaller and no longer dominant components.


  14. I saw a short video of blitzer, holt and a third guy leaving the elevator and they sort of wandered around, like, looking a bit dazed and wormish like “Dude, somebody moved my cheese.”

  15. It will be interesting to see if what the NY Post wrote is true and if it has any material affect on how these people conduct themselves. I wonder if any mention was made of FCC licensing.

  16. From Kevin Boyd on FB
    (No, I don’t know him)
    Kevin Boyd
    2 hrs ·
    Trump can give the press the tongue lashings he wants.
    The second he tries to limit the power of the free press, I’ll oppose him


    I very much agree with that! They need a tongue lashing, and then some!

  17. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    ………………………Oh My God! What a way to begin the week and the Trump Presidency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy to have voted for him.

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