Done dee Done Done – IOTW Report

Done dee Done Done

Hillary and Huma sitting in tree… in Leavenworth.

Official: Some Clinton emails ‘too damaging’ to release


EXCLUSIVE: The intelligence community has deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging” to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding.

The determination was first reported by Fox News, hours before the State Department formally announced Friday that seven email chains, found in 22 documents, will be withheld “in full” because they, in fact, contain “Top Secret” information.

The State Department, when first contacted by Fox News about withholding such emails Friday morning, did not dispute the reporting – but did not comment in detail. After a version of this report was first published, the Obama administration confirmed to the Associated Press that the seven email chains would be withheld. The department has since confirmed those details publicly.

The decision to withhold the documents in full, and not provide even a partial release with redactions, further undercuts claims by the State Department and the Clinton campaign that none of the intelligence in the emails was classified when it hit Clinton’s personal server.

Fox News is told the emails include intelligence from “special access programs,” or SAP, which is considered beyond “Top Secret.” A Jan. 14 letter, first reported by Fox News, from intelligence community Inspector General Charles McCullough III notified senior intelligence and foreign relations committee leaders that “several dozen emails containing classified information” were determined to be “at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, AND TOP SECRET/SAP levels.”


34 Comments on Done dee Done Done

  1. Fans of hillary (my mother included) either say they haven’t heard anything about this, blame politics as usual, blame a vast right wing conspiracy, or don’t care because she is the most qualified person to be president. I don’t think it is possible that the libs will lose faith in her.

  2. How freaking inept are these people anyhow? I’ve got hundreds of thousands of pages of email, dating back to 1992. I’ve kept them all. Why, you ask? Because if the state wants to get any dirt on me, it’ll take them the next lifetime to go through it.

    It’s ONE person ONE email account. FFS. It should be the work of a single third shift.

  3. “I don’t think it is possible that the libs will lose faith in her.”

    That’s OK. They can keep the faith by accepting the collect phone calls, talking through plexiglas and making conjugal visits.

  4. “How freain inept…”

    It’s rhetorical, right?

    Seriously, this is not ineptness, it’s corruption. Read anything on Joe McCarthy and how he bought the U.S. another 50 years of existence.

  5. What difference, at this point, does it make?

    When I was a kid and vanity plates first came out, there was a local judge with the plates LOCKMUP.

    If Hellry doesn’t get locked up, my good citizenship goes out the window. There’s plenty of thing that happen daily, weekly or monthly where I think, I could but man that’s not the right thing to do.

    I’ll lose that filter completely.

  6. Doesn’t anyone listen to Josh (dis)earnest? He says, “based on what we know” it does not look like Hillary Clinton will be indicted. Earnest made the remarks the White House podium. This per Daniel Halper of The Weekly Standard, as reported by Drudge, January 29, 2016.

    THE FIX IS IN!!! GET IT, yet? Any hope for equal justice is a huge laugh with the Mafia running the place.

  7. The point that seems to escape many is that when the hammer finally comes down, it will not be just the Hildebeest that is indicted, it will be everyone on those e-mail chains that facilitated the compromise of classified material of all classification levels.

    A partial list would be Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, Sidney Blumenthal and everyone they ever knew or worked with, along with any number of functionaries in and around the Clinton Foundation. I believe this is going to be much bigger and wider than many people may realize.

    Limbaugh got very cynical today proposing that Obama may well pardon Hillary so she can pretend none of this ever happened. I think the evidence will be so wide, so overwhelming, and involve so many other people that there will be no way that the Justice Department can avoid a prosecution of all involved, and no possible way for Obama to pardon anyone in time to influence the election. I don’t think even Obama i prepared for the blowback his meddling would produce.

    We shall see.

  8. The untold story is how this has to be rocking the Intelligence community broadly around the world. They are treating this as a major security breach, proof of a hack is not required on their level. They have a much lower threshold.

    Snowden, Manning and Assange pale in comparison to this level of compromised secrets.

    This is one of the biggest intelligence breaches in U.S. history, though you wouldn’t know from the government/media reaction.

  9. If the DOJ/FBI had pursued this as they did at Waco, Ruby Ridge, or in Oregon, the candidate would be twisting in the wind now.

    But the Puppetmaster is still lurking in the shadows.

  10. Pollard did thirty years for supplying intelligence to the Israelis. I’d like to see Hilary and Huma’s tarred bodies swing from a Capitol Hill lamp post for that same period. Godawful people, simply Godawful.

  11. I just heard that in an effort to cheer up Hillary, Bill reminded her that Nelson Mandela was not elected president until after he had spent 27 years in prison.
    He also asked her if “she would mind” if he fucked around while she was “away” as he put it.
    The SS found two broken vases in the dining room. No injuries reported at this time.

  12. Double comma, is the Mr. Bean dance the one where he takes off his underwear with his pants still on. I laughed my ass off watching that episode of Mr. Bean. And besides Mr, Bean is smarter as well funnier than Bernie will ever hope to be. Mr. Bean for President, we need some comic relief. Mr. Bean and Fawlty Towers are two of my favorite British comedies.

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