Donell Harvin, The Trump-Hating Deep State Official Who ‘Predicted’ J6 Pipe Bombs in Advance – IOTW Report

Donell Harvin, The Trump-Hating Deep State Official Who ‘Predicted’ J6 Pipe Bombs in Advance

Revolver: The Ides of March, H.G. Well’s prediction of atomic weaponry, and Babe Ruth’s iconic finger pointed toward the stands all enjoy pride of place in the annals of historic prognostications. When all is said and done, these annals may need to open once again to accommodate a largely unsung Nostradamus by the name of Donell Harvin, former chief of the Homeland Security and Intelligence division of Washington, D.C.’s Fusion Intelligence Center. This deep-state official and vehement never-Trumper is responsible for predicting the infamous January 6th pipe bombs to an uncanny and rather troubling degree of accuracy. Why isn’t he interested in taking credit? more

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