Donkey Party Not Taking FBI Announcement Very Well – IOTW Report

Donkey Party Not Taking FBI Announcement Very Well


Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist has been monitoring the response by Hillary’s party to Comey’s letter stating the reopening of the e-mail probe.  The different responses read like the Dems are going through the 5 stages of grief of the Kubler-Roth model.


Somehow I don’t see them ever getting to the “Acceptance” stage.

20 Comments on Donkey Party Not Taking FBI Announcement Very Well

  1. Everyone is trying to figure out why Comey is coming out now.
    I say you just need to look at the WikiLeaks 11 page memo from Doug Band that describes in high detail how Band arrange the pay-for-play corruption surrounding the tag team of Hillary Clinton as Senator then Secretary of State and the traveling Bill Clinton who was paid exorbitant fees for “advisory services” and speeches.
    This 11 page memo so details the corruption that the honest people within the FBI were likely in full revolt. This corruption could not be ignored, but the media was doing a good job of ignoring it.
    So, ultimately, Comey was backed into a corner. He had to do something, or the FBI as a whole would do something – in the form of leaks if not something more open. After all to some degree he was becoming complicit.
    Thus, he reopens the investigation.

  2. Yep.

    Or that one honest FBI-er told Comey the Clown that the parts implicating Obola would leak if something wasn’t done.

    I don’t know, but I guess that Clinton will get thrown under the bus to protect Obola. It’s obvious that the varied treasons and corruptions reach all the way to the Oval Office, so HRC becomes expendable. It also explains why she wants (threatens?) full disclosure.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Huma used the laptop first and had access to Hillary’s email account, then she let Wiener use it when she got a new one and forgot about it.
    That caused it to miss the BleachBit process so it contains a good portion of the 30,000 deleted messages – too incriminating for Comey to ignore or explain away

  4. Comey’s own words indicate that what ever they found was too incriminating not to reopen the investigation. I just wonder if they are going to recommend prosecution before November 8th, otherwise they should have waited till after the election to avoid affecting the outcome without a prosecutable case in hand.

  5. Kluber starts tonight for the Cleveland Indians and probably again in a possible game seven. He might put another stake into the Chicago Cubs hearts….Roth must be his IRA….yes, crying will be involved….

  6. Time for another diversion…Mass shooting, white cop black thug,maybe even a terrorist attack. Push come to shove they can always conjure up some celebrity death by overdose if needed.

  7. The Donkey sez: “I think I need a Thug”
    Comey’s dirty, but he’s not stupid, I strongly suspect this worm figured out what direction the wind is blowing and decided to hitch his wagon to the winner. Whatever was discovered must be big. Real big… as in the the motherload of evidence against Hillary, probably Huma and who knows who else. A Buck Jones Ass-Whippin from President Trump beats total, vitriolic destruction by a President Hillary any day!

  8. WONDER IF flight plans are prepared and the rented plane gassed up and ready for a run to Qatar ahead of the FBI posse? Would not be surprised to see Hills and Bills flee the country in the middle of the night, like chicken thieves down in Arkansas. They have their snitches in DOJ to let them know when the arrest warrants are signed and ready to be served. They can leave secret service detail behind, Americans won’t pay for covering these snakes.

  9. Let’s not forget that two weeks ago the Democrats were lauding Comey as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Falling all over themselves heaping praise upon him. Now not so much. Delicious, ain’t it?

  10. If Bill Clinton gets killed by a “Trump AltRighter”, does that tip the election back to Hillary? Somebody is going to be sacrificed to try to pull this out for her.

    On an unrelated note, it will be funny if Barky starts stuttering about Trump on the campaign trail next week. Barky is probably on as many meds as Hillary right now.

  11. @azwatergeek, three days ago they were setting their hair on fire because Trump said the election was rigged. Don’t ask them what they think about that now.

    Three months ago they were guffawing because Trump made some goofy statement about Weiner having Huma’s secret emails from Hillary’s server. Again, don’t ask them what they think about that now.

  12. Hm. If things become impossible for them to save face and stay out of prison – maybe a fake plane crash death for all involved and the rest of their lives spent on a remote island with nubile females serving both of their wishes.

    One possible, plausible outcome.

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