Donnelly: Dear Mr. President-Elect, Please ‘Pick a Fight’ with California on Behalf of the American People – IOTW Report

Donnelly: Dear Mr. President-Elect, Please ‘Pick a Fight’ with California on Behalf of the American People

Breitbart:    Even though most Americans view California as a lost cause—the “land of fruits and nuts”—and now, the epicenter of resistance to President-Elect Trump, it would be a mistake to ignore it.

The whiny, crybaby brigade of Democrats in leadership, who wield unchecked power over the most populous, and in many ways, the most significant state.

California Democrats doubled down this week—hiring former US Attorney General Eric Holder to go on offense against the policies of the incoming White House.

President-Elect Trump should engage California’s petulant leaders in much the same way—“pick a fight.”

Ignoring California in hopes that it will go away would be a disastrous mistake.  California is far too important to the national security of the United States to simply ignore it.

In spite of the government-created water crisis that has devastated the world’s “food basket,” (the San Joaquin Valley), California still supplies a majority of US agricultural products for export.  Grapes, citrus, almonds—yes, fruits and nuts–(no surprise here)—in addition to beef, poultry, dairy, tomatoes, all manner of vegetables, alfalfa, wine, cotton…to name a few.

Water wars between federal and state regulators, environmentalists, the Democrat governor, the Democrat-controlled state legislature, and farmers have gone on for decades with devastating results.  Much of the world’s most fertile farmland lies fallow, as groundwater, its lifeblood, is slowly siphoned off to keep farmers alive.  MORE

10 Comments on Donnelly: Dear Mr. President-Elect, Please ‘Pick a Fight’ with California on Behalf of the American People

  1. 1. Enforce immigration laws. Half of California’s population is comprised of illegal aliens. This is not an exaggeration. They keep the Communcrats in power by voting illegally. Flush them back to Mexico, and the Communcrats lose power.

    2. Vigorously go after corrupt politicians. They are color coded. The darker they are, the more corrupt they are going to be, and the harder core communists they are going to be. There might be an exception or two, but they are unusual *exceptions*. I don’t care how ‘racist’ you find reality to be.

    3. Break La Raza and Mecha. These are foreign funded communists subversive organizations. Prosecute the entire membership under the felony conspiracy rule, for everything you can. Do the same thing to the other criminal gangs.

    4. Purge the California universities of communists. They’re the professors. Fire them. I don’t care about tenure. They need to go. Shut off Federal funding to any university with an ‘ethnic and gender studies’ department. Close the entire school – it’s likely a lost cause anyway.

    6. Purge the State courts of communist and/or foreign subversive judges. I don’t know if any of them are not at least one of these things.

    7. Destroy the welfare system, whereby the corrupt communist subversives in the California State government use tax dollars taken from Americans to buy illegal alien votes, by giving free shit to the illegal aliens.

    Trump needs to view California as a portion of the United States which is under enemy occupation, because that in fact is the situation. I would not be averse to a military reoccupation, and a military governor for the foreseeable future – and I live in California.

    Build the wall. Deport them all. Failing that, you can expect eventual war.

  2. No. Leave things as they are. If the pot is stirred, the fruits, nuts, flakes, commies, gangbangers, and dindunuffins will spread around the west like a cancer. Put a wall around the state and allow other states to pick and choose who is freed.

  3. Just get rid of all Federal funding of Welfare.
    Let each state provide for their own parasites as best they can.
    There is no reason on Earth, moral or legal, to force anyone to pay for illegally invading rat-people – Charity begins at home.
    The super-rich and flatulent would be honored to foot the bill – just ask em!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. California has 52 Congressional Delegates. North of Sacramento we have 5. We have no representation. Let Mexico have southern California South of the Delta. Build the wall there.

  5. judgeroybean JANUARY 8, 2017 AT 4:05 PM
    “No. Leave things as they are. If the pot is stirred, the fruits, nuts, flakes, commies, gangbangers, and dindunuffins will spread around the west like a cancer.”
    How do you not know it has already spread to the entire country?

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