Don’t accept any Trump cigars – IOTW Report

Don’t accept any Trump cigars

American Thinker:

The din of Democrat backfires is deafening to all but the Democrats themselves.  They are too busy howling from shooting themselves in the foot at every step of this no-holds-barred chess match.  Pardon the mixed metaphors, but they have painted themselves into a corner even a rat would have trouble extricating itself from, leaving as the only option to burn down the whole house and start from scratch.

At least that seems to be whirling around in Beto O’Rourke’s foggy brain as he embarks on a soulful journey of self-discovery through the countryside, wondering if our Constitution is still relevant.  “Can an empire like ours with military presence in over 170 countries around the globe, with trading relationships … and security agreements in every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230-plus years ago?” Mr. O’Rourke mused in a recent interview with Jenna Johnson of the Washington Post.

He is apparently forgetting one of the great charters of the world, the Magna Carta, signed by the king of England in 1215.  This tribute to human rights was a start and remains a solid foundation for governance because it placed limits on royal authority and determined that the monarch is not above the law.  These principles never change simply by the passing of time or a new generation.  Right will always be right.  But Beto can be forgiven for his dreams of grandeur.  It happened before his time.

The left is beginning to appear like that hapless sap who is the unwitting victim of the oh, so funny exploding cigar.  Smug in their tenuous grasp of power, leftists seem to be wasting political capital foolishly jousting with President Trump over border security and enforcement of immigration law, which many of them supported in recent years.  Oops, sorry, I forgot – that was then, and this is now.  The throwaway cards in this whole imbroglio are the American people.

Madam Speaker Pelosi acts hurt and surprised by Angel Moms protesting outside her office.  She seems impervious to their pleas for succor.  The optics were not good when she and fellow Democrats planned a globe-hopping trip amid the government shutdown.  Shaking with rage – or was she “cold”? – she was led back to her office at the Capitol when Trump postponed her all-expenses-paid trip around the world.  Who can forget a reported $250,000 liquor bill on one of her trips during the Obama administration?  Guess who paid.  Give that girl a cigar.


9 Comments on Don’t accept any Trump cigars

  1. Sadly, with the thoroughly corrupt media constantly laying down cover fire for the democrats, most Americans haven’t the foggiest notion about the facts, the issues or the players.

    What media does to obfuscate and blur, using lies of commission and omission is the crime of the century perpetrated against a trusting public.

  2. If Bill Clinton offers you a cigar, wear rubber gloves. If Al Gore offers a cigar make sure there aren’t any drug dogs around. If Biden offers a cigar it’s most likely frozen dog shit and he’s giving it away because he can’t get it lit.

  3. I believe Trump is really best
    described as a “Go” master rather
    than chess. Go’s intent is to
    surround and beat your enemies with the least amount of your own players.
    Notice how he uses his enemies rages
    to effortlessly enable his agenda.
    That’s Go.

  4. Better than a BILLARY cigar… 😮


  5. As long as we have a 2nd amendment, we’ll have our Constitution. It’s a defense against tyranny-that’s why it’s there.
    Why do you think the left is so keen on dismantling it?


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