Don’t Applaud Chris Matthews – He’s a Sh8tweasle – IOTW Report

Don’t Applaud Chris Matthews – He’s a Sh8tweasle

People are applauding Chris Matthews for his jaw-dropping slap down of Rachel Maddow’s defense of Hillary Clinton’s campaign as opposed to Trump’s.

The problem is, he had a singular moment of truth telling amidst years of shilling for the exact opposite positions.

One gets the sense that he spends all day talking up the left’s policies on the tee vee and then goes home and washes away the guilt with a half bottle of bourbon.

ht/ tb

23 Comments on Don’t Applaud Chris Matthews – He’s a Sh8tweasle

  1. Once in a blue moon, a liberal might let the truth hit their brains, both Mike Moore and Chris Matthews have spoken the truth a couple of times.

    But it is like a rattler that didn’t bite you, once, you just can’t trust that it would happen again. You can’t assign magnanimity to an aberration of nature.

  2. I’ve had some time to reflect on your post about going flat-out war on #NT, and I’ve decided they all need to be crushed. Entirely. Now. They’re like a deadly rash. Nothing in this world benefits from them. The least noxious of them, like certain snake and spider venom, can kill twelve large men.

  3. I don’t really applaud Matthews, but I do point out that he’s a source of frustration because, although a sh!tweasel, from time to time he urps up some sanity. He took a break from sh!tweaseling during the Clinton/Lewinsky era and was fairly good, but when that was over he went back to being a kakotropic mustelid again.

  4. I happened to be watching that network at that moment as I flipped through channels at 2:00am and thought WOW! Matthews got it right. Maddow kept going back to the Left’s racist meme, but Matthews gave a slap down. An extensive one. I am glad someone captured that moment, because it was unique for MSNBC or whatever that network is. And you could tell Maddow knew this was going to gain some traction by the way she was staring daggers at Matthews.
    Thanks for posting BFH.

  5. Actually Spingles (spittle + tingles), when you catch him sober, slips and tells the truth on occasion. Of course I’m not fooled by any of them as being seekers of truth. They’re all two bit prostitutes who shill for whatever network of their employ. Allyson Camerota used to be on FOX and played the part of a conservative.

    Here’s Spingles starring in the role of Truth Teller appearing before a Vahshington Forum dissecting the 2016 candidates, particularly Trump – and whether he intended to or not, he hit the bullseye.

  6. Matthews is only speaking honestly now because he’s disappointed and bitter that Hillary screwed up her campaign, not because he really cares that anyone knows the truth. I got no sympathy for his plight.

    “Don’t shoot ’em! Let ’em burn!”

  7. Not a thimble full of integrity in the lot of ’em. They were just as venomous toward killery in ’08 as they were against Trump this year. Matthews probably more than any of them.

  8. @Engelburka Engelburka – I’m very grateful to you for posting that link to Matthews at the whatever forum. More of the frustration I mentioned earlier: so much of what he said was Bang! On! The! Bullseye! And yet he’s clearly a lib/collectivist way down deep where it counts. Grrrr.

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