Don’t Argue. It’s Science- If you’re a guy with an older brother, there’s an increased chance you’re gay – IOTW Report

Don’t Argue. It’s Science- If you’re a guy with an older brother, there’s an increased chance you’re gay

Maybe Wally should have been called “The Beaver,” and Theodore called the c…..

I won’t go there.


If you’re a guy with an older brother, there’s an increased chance you’re gay.

Scientists have noticed this pattern in previous research, but now they think they have a biological explanation as to why, and it starts long before birth. The results were published in the journal PNAS on Monday.
The researchers say that if their findings can be replicated, we may know at least one of the biological reasons some men are gay.
 Many factors may determine someone’s sexual orientation, but in this case, researchers noticed a pattern that may be linked to something that happens in the womb. The phenomenon is related to a protein linked to the Y chromosome (which women do not have) that is important to male brain development.
Researchers think it’s possible that when a woman gets pregnant with her first boy, this Y-linked protein gets into her bloodstream. The mother’s body recognizes the protein as a foreign substance, and her immune system responds, creating antibodies. If enough of these antibodies build up in the woman’s body and she gets pregnant with another a boy, they can cross the placental barrier and enter the brain of the second male fetus.
“That may alter the functions in the brain, changing the direction of how the male fetus may later develop their sense of attraction,” said study author Anthony Bogaert, a Canadian psychologist and professor in the departments of psychology and community health sciences at Brock University.
Earlier research has shown that the more older brothers a boy has, the more of a chance that boy will be attracted to men. A 2006 study showed that with each brother, the chance that a man will be gay goes up by about a third, but the researchers didn’t determine why that was.
Bogaert and his co-authors tested a small group of 142 women and 12 men ages 18 to 80 and found a higher concentration of antibodies to the protein, known as NLGN4Y, in blood samples from women than from men. They found the highest concentration of antibodies to the protein in women with gay younger sons who had older brothers, compared with women who had no sons or who had given birth to only heterosexual boys.
ht/ petrus

41 Comments on Don’t Argue. It’s Science- If you’re a guy with an older brother, there’s an increased chance you’re gay

  1. Be careful though.
    Petrus said his older brother sent it to him.

    I said, “email back and say it’s because certain older brothers don’t have enough masculinity to be a heterosexual influence!!”

  2. “Scientists” are extremely poor witnesses of anything. Al Gore could be called a scientist.
    if you look up a list of all the things that science is gotten wrong and last hundred years, the list would occupy several pages.

  3. Oh, bullcrap. When I was a kid we never heard of ANYONE being gay. We wrassled, played contact sports, roughhoused, went camping, slept in barracks together and nobody thought of sex. EVER! This is indoctrination. Period.

  4. High concentration sales of antibodies to the protein, known as NLGN4Y to hit the black market soon. Headlines popping up,

    “My unborn son told me he wanted to be gay.”

    “I don’t consider it a burden if I know he’s gay.”

    “He will understand our beliefs from birth.”

  5. “…with each brother, the chance that a man will be gay goes up by about a third…”

    I think they meant to say that the chances of being called gay by your older brothers goes up a third.

  6. Since I am the oldest brother and I have 3 younger brothers none of whom are gay this study is bs. We never had a sister, does that make any of us a lesbian? And if we had a sister, she would’ve been named Willies Lee, an old family name, we don’t know how she would’ve turned out with a name like that.

  7. Oh, boy, this is rich. Tell my husband’s 3 younger brothers, with a combined total of 11 children (only one divorced, but still on the prowl), about this. Anything to push the agenda.

  8. Do you know what was SETTLED SCIENCE?


    It was reversed in the 70s not due to NEW scientific evidence, but because of homosexual pressure groups.

    It was later sneakily re-branded as “GID” Gender Identity Disorder, and now due to MORE pressure, the DSM V has even apologized for that and soft-pedaled GID to a lesser charge.

    “SETTLED SCIENCE” is only what liberals say it is.

  9. The worst grade I ever received in college was in a statistics and probability class, BUT, isn’t one’s chance of having a gay son increased statistically, the more sons one has?

  10. Who isn’t sick and tired of hearing about faggots. You think they’d shut the hell up after pushing, in addition to stools, the fagg marriage laws.

    Does mom’s fight against her fetus make them insane communists as well?

    Just shut the Hell up faggots. Go turd burgle in private and shut the Hell up.

  11. But, but, but, what if the firstborn son chooses to be queer and his six younger brothers are extra busy chasing the hot chick cheerleaders? What then mad social scientists?

  12. WAIT! So, this means CNN is carrying a scientific report that confirms MALE and FEMALE brains are different?!?!!?! What a shocker for those who imagine that men and women are alike!

    “… a protein linked to the Y chromosome (which women do not have) that is important to male brain development .. “

  13. I am the middle child with an older brother.
    Growing up all my friends called everyone fag, queer, homo,etc.

    I am not only straight, I have no “gaydar” whatsoever.
    Seriously, Elton John, Liberace, Freddy Mercury, Ellen Degeneres, etc.
    I had no idea they were gay and didn’t give a damn.

  14. Too many uses of “may” in this story.

    I met my first gay at age 5. He was the husband next door and the father of my friend. Everyone knew he was weird, but only the adults knew what was going on.

    In the early 70s, he finally filed for divorce and moved to California.

    He was an only child, as are many other gay men I know.

    On the other hand, I don’t know a single gay man that has an older brother.
    Sister, yes. Brother, no.

  15. I know three men who have come out as gay. They were all married and had children.
    One guy was my sisters father in law, 6 children all males. 14 years into the marriage he divorced his wife and took up with another man. I didn’t even know what being gay was.
    Just assumed no one would hide being gay by getting married and having children.
    Wanna bet.

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