Don’t Argue That This Iranian Man Isn’t 15 Years-Old, That Makes You a RACIST! – IOTW Report

Don’t Argue That This Iranian Man Isn’t 15 Years-Old, That Makes You a RACIST!

This is why I loathe the left and they must be eradicated and rendered powerless when it comes to decision making. It’s hard to discern whether they are well-meaning, with their heads up theirs asses, or they are evil.

Either way, they are dangerous, so they have to go.

What’s the latest?

Students complained that a grown adult attending their grade school was not a 15 year-old. When parents got involved they were told they were racists.

The guy was Muslim. And ya don’t confront Muslims… it’s bigoted to do so, even if it means he’s going to hit on your underage daughter.

That’s the price we all have to pay for the left’s need to be properly “enlightened.”


15 Comments on Don’t Argue That This Iranian Man Isn’t 15 Years-Old, That Makes You a RACIST!

  1. I opine that the price paid by those who keep trying to push this crap will be a lot worse if the sane ever rise up.
    The end of political correctness is going to be brutal.

    I’m excited 🤪

  2. This guy must be really be really retarded to be a 30 yr. old posing as a 15 yr. old and still wanting to be in high school. He’s only there to pickup underage girls (or boys) because the school is so dumb and politically correct and multicultural that it allows this to happen. The real ones who are racist are the ones defending this jerk.

  3. Dude looks old AF to be in high school, but not because he has facial hair. My son started getting facial hair in 6th grade and had a full beard by sophomore year in high school. It isn’t completely unheard of for high school boys to have beards. Is it?

  4. Uh oh. A tiny bit of common sense slipped in.

    “After this controversy, the asylum rules were tightened, and in the following year, 705 age disputes were raised. Sixty-five percent of the 618 resolved disputes found claimants over the age of 18 (who were mostly male) pretending to be children. “


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