Don’t be a tease… I need some action… – IOTW Report

Don’t be a tease… I need some action…

From CTH reader on an open thread. The whisper mill says that the Mother of All Bombs could be dropping this Friday-

Bogeyfree says:

Has anyone seen the Ann Vandersteel Video interview of the two IC whistleblowers where they say there will be a web site up this Friday that will show the spying, planting, and conspiracy of PT by the government?

It seemed pretty powerful like this could be the MOAB.

It also fits with this statement by Sara Carter on Hannity: “there’s a lot of exculpatory information that’s gonna come out within days. Note within days. These IC Whistleblowers are saying their evidence will be up on a website within days. Coincidence?? Maybe or maybe not


It will be interesting to see if LL (Loretta Lynch) with O’s signed approval actually did go around the FISA to spy on candidate Trump and then PT.

If true It would really open up the question……..

Just how big was the government spying under the Obama Administration?

If indeed these 119 Patriots from many 3 letter branches of the government come out this Friday with documents, disclosures, testimony of wide spread government spying watch out as this truly would be the MOAB we have all been hoping for.

Here’s the video.


23 Comments on Don’t be a tease… I need some action…

  1. That would explain the Woodward “Trump is Insane & Stupid” book release, the “Trump is Insane & Stupid” WH “staff” leaker and Chuck Todd’s exhortation to fight Fox News. They know the hammer is about to drop, so they double down on smearing Trump and trying to discredit the only media outlet which is going to report whatever goes down with the IC Whistleblowers. I imagine that Mueller’s subpoena of Jerome Corsi is also related to the impending doom.

    Not sure if any of the idiot Senators beclowning themselves at the Kavanaugh hearing are aware of any of this yet, but no doubt they’re going to avoid talking about it if they know. What we probably will see are some MSM preemptive strikes which attempt to blunt the force of what they think is coming. And after the bomb drops, they will point back to things they wrote in the past and call the fresh damning info “old news”.

  2. Why on a Friday? – – thats what they do when they want something to be overlooked in plain sight. Why not make it a Monday AM so it can fester for a few days before dying on the vine. Well I’m not going to get too excited, the deep state is dug in and is glued in place as well. The American voter is the only way to remove them and we know how that will work out – not.

  3. This could be the running gag on a spectacularly popular sit com. I’d write one character who is always falling for the gag — except the one time that it turns out to be true, then he (I picture it as a he) doesn’t believe it.


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  1. It was the “Mother of All Bombs” Alright – IOTW Report

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