Did you remember to set your clocks ahead???
Images from:
Its really only 8:00 you know.
I’ve never watched a Dachshund who didn’t run without expressing utter joy.
it’s really 5:30 AM PST here, now 6:30 AM PDT and Ranger Doug’s Classic Cowboy Corral (XM 59) is on seemingly early this morning. I’ve been awake since 2:30 AM, really 3:30 AM because of DST. But then again I have to be in bed by 5 PM since I get up tomorrow at midnight to be at work by 1 AM in order to be in Kalispell, Mt. tomorrow morning by 7:30 AM PDT/8:30 AM MDT. I love longer days but they should quit messing with time every Spring and Fall just because. If it was yesterday the Sun would already have risen just after 6 AM. And all those pictures just show that animals don’t give two hoots in Hell. about DST. Run away DST is here, oh shit! Now will our lazy masters remember to feed us on time, c’mon wake up, you bum.
Great pics, Claudia!!
Wow…that cat is flying…and he’s got the same form as his cousin, the cheetah, up top.
Thanks for the reminder about the clocks.
I knew about it, but haven’t changed them yet.
So…it’s already later.
Terrific photos Claudia – and so appropriate. Seems a lot of folks at our church are opting for the second service today, judging by the attendance at the first one!
Yoda says…Spring Forward You Must, or Late to Church You Will Be. . .
I was late for church one time because of the time change. I usually get there early so at least I didn’t miss most of the sermon (my favorite part).
I tried to find frantic pictures, but most of them just showed the joy of running, especially the puppies!
Thx, Claudia
Living in AZ and not participating in daylight savings is worse than living in any of the other 56,57? states.
All sporting events, cable news, XM radio (thx geoff) and conducting business are off by one hour again.
We have to consciously calculate the difference every time we want to talk with friends or think about any of the above items.
When we moved here 5 years ago, the “DST=Yes” alarm clock woke me up an hour early.
If that’s all I have to whine about today, life must be pretty darn good.
Happy Sunday to all!
Thanks, Claudia! I’m working the polls Tuesday and that’s how I’ll look at 5:30 am.
Daylight saving time. A Canadian hoax to convince rubes that by changing your clock you get more Day Light, except the people in AZ who do not, except the people in north east AZ on the Navajo res. who do, except the people on the Hopei res. who are surrounded by the Navajo res.in northern AZ who do not. Sooo if all of the people of AZ wake up at sunrise and not look at their clocks is it more daylight or less? …
Changing the clocks twice a year accomplishes exactly as much as rotating the air in your tires would.
Some wag on this site suggested changing by 1/2 hour ONCE and being done with it.
Simple solutions for stupid gov’t-imposed problems.
I get those guinea hens in my yard. They roam around in a large group, about 20 or so usually, cackling and eating bugs. It’s like they work for the county or something.