Don’t believe Jerry Brown’s fake crime statistics – IOTW Report

Don’t believe Jerry Brown’s fake crime statistics


KFI:  Yesterday, Jerry Brown gave his final State of the State address and spewed a bunch of nonsense about California’s crime statistics. 

Michael Rushford, President and CEO of the Criminal Justice Legal Foundation, is here to set the record straight:

“In his state of the state address yesterday, Governor Jerry Brown boasted that last year the number of reported felonies was actually lower than in 1970.

He must of forgotten that in 2014, Proposition 47, which he supported, converted all theft, fraud, and receiving stolen property felonies of less than $950 and most drug possession crimes to misdemeanors. That’s thousands crimes per year that are no longer felonies.  Of course reported felonies are down.

What he did not tell us is that, under his inmate release and rehabilitation policies violent crime in California has increased for three years in a row.   more here

15 Comments on Don’t believe Jerry Brown’s fake crime statistics

  1. Most crime stats are fake. In Dallas if the PD finds a body with a bullet hole in it and there are no suspects it is categorized as a “Signal 27” unattended death not a murder.
    Depends what “is”, “is”.
    Count the bodies in the morgue.

  2. Jerry Brown speech translation:

    THEFT (the act of stealing property)— CA; property sharing
    FRAUD (wrongful deception to make financial gain) — CA;shared identity, ‘you didn’t earn that money’ so how can you be ‘defrauded if it?

    RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY of less than $950 CA; sharing property ‘you didn’t earn’ with people who have less, you know, fair distribution

    DRUG POSSESSION – CA; ‘Hey man, the more the government allows the deplorables to addle their brains or commit suicide by overdose, the less people to worry about watching our misdeeds and crimes.

  3. Don’t really care what Moonbeam says. I left the Commiefornia shithole in 2011 and haven’t looked back. That place is run by dumbass liberals, and they deserve what they get, since they voted for it. However, I do feel sorry for the conservative types that for whatever reason, can’t escape the U.S.’s third world state.

  4. Well as a Californian I don’t bother to listen to that giddy lunatic.
    But it strikes me if he had included millions of illegal immigrants those stats would have been more reliable.
    And if repeatedly deported murderers are charged only with discharge of a firearm, that might also skew the stats

  5. How’s stupid is Jerry Brown…
    He refuses to help the federal government locate illegal aliens,
    At the same time he expects duh Feds to pay three quarters of $1 billion,
    To pay for Orville dam repairs.

  6. Now that Jerry Brown and other democrats have rewarded the criminals by decriminalizing crime (?!) it is time for the criminals to return the favor: coming soon to a blue state near you: felons given the right to vote.

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