Don’t Believe the Hype – IOTW Report

Don’t Believe the Hype

Newt Gingrich for Daily Caller

November realities are going to be a lot friendlier to Republicans than August news media fantasies. More

8 Comments on Don’t Believe the Hype

  1. Carl Rove made an interesting observation on Fox about the Republican losses in yesterday’s special elections. Republican turnout was low in areas where Trump had won comfortably. He attributed it to a lack of enthusiasm. I attribute it to Dems flexing their ability to suppress the vote and/or manipulate the count … with impunity.

    If Dem participation numbers had similarly resulted in Dem losses in areas Biden won comfortably, you can bet they would be screaming voter suppression and election fraud.

  2. My skepticism meter pegs in the red anytime anyone predicts an outcome based on a prior election, throw all that shit out the window.

    At no time in our history have we seen one party manipulate the voting process (to the point of criminality) as we have before us now. Them chickens you are counting are all giving you the middle finger.

    And yes, there are some atrocious Senate GOP candidates. The worst is probably Herschel Walker who can’t string 2 cogent sentences together, and it is infuriating to see that POS Raphael Warnock get re-elected.

  3. Shrug. I say again: we are not voting our way out of this. The only hope is Jesus Christ. The end times are here; if you don’t know Him, now would be a good time to get acquainted.

  4. Mail-in voting assures states like California no longer have free elections. Voting machines in any state = the same.

    The fix is in. Our only way out is to get the fuck out and leave the shit behind.

  5. I’ll never be surprised at how quickly the GOP can fuck up a sure thing, never. It’s because half the RNC are really democrats in sentiment and 99.9% of the political consultants hired by dumb fuck GOP politicos are partisan democrats taking the job to sabotage their clients.

  6. Newt fails to realize that the Dems, their pollsters and their journos are creating a foreshadowing narrative of fading GOP chances and surging Dems to tie in with the massive vote fraud which is coming. Establishment GOPers are being groomed to meekly accept the disappointing results being prepared.

    The Dems have this down to a science now, and the will of the people can no longer be effectively expressed at the ballot box, because it no longer exists. The will of the people can only be expressed in civil disobedience, which the Dems—or should I say Uniparty—also have a solution for. Newt may think the Dems hung themselves by hiring 87,000 IRS agents, but in reality, that was just one component of Tyranny Phase II. Everything they do is not incompetent stupidity. It is intentional malice and destruction in service of the pursuit of permanent power.

    Newt is living in the past, and the image of him sitting on that couch with Pelosi is the proof that is burned into my mind. Nothing has been done, or will be done, about the take-over/fake-over of our election system, and the fact he makes no mention of that renders everything he says nothing but happy-talk.


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