Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe Snopes – IOTW Report

Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe Snopes

Snopes says CNN did not orchestrate a story depicting Muslims protesting the London Bridge Attacks.

We’ve  seen the video– white police officers leaving the CNN stage, Muslim police officers ushered in, CNN telling people what signs to hold and arranging them, telling them to put flowers at their feet – then the cameras roll and the reporter tells the viewers al about the lovely scene she’s stumbled upon where Muslims “laid flowers on the street.”

Yes, 30 seconds before, at YOUR DIRECTIVE.

Snopes says this isn’t fake news.

But it was fake news when CNN reported that ABC put up crime scene tape and stood in front of it for her report. 


13 Comments on Don’t believe your lying eyes, believe Snopes

  1. Snopes is for dopes who lack the ability to research for themselves.

    I once had a 75 year old AF Command Master Chief told me he knew something as a lie because that’s what snopes reported. I wrote a 7 page report and gave it to him to show him the fallacy of believing internet sources and he looked at me and said, “Well they can’t be right all the time but I think they are right most of the time.”

    I told him how glad I was that I wasn’t trusting him for a business deal.

    Always be skeptical of internet sources, even IOTW-report – verify if possible.

  2. Always be skeptical of internet sources, even IOTW-report – verify if possible.>>>

    Okay, I was with you until that last part. You’ve gone too far, buddy.
    I’m calling my lawyer, Melvin Belli, who was just at my house yesterday.

  3. @Fur, I’m glad to know you are working with the best, Melvin Belli.

    I’ll be proud to swear a friendly affidavit and character reference for IOTW.
    And so will my lovely wife, Morgan Fairchild.
    Yeahhhhhh, that’s the ticket!

    H/t to Jon Lovitz

  4. Just to annoy them I sent them an email:


    You actually expect us to believe you instead of our own eyes?
    CNN absolutely DID set that fake protest up.

    Oops! Your bias is showing!

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