Don’t Charge that Electric Vehicle: California Braces for Energy Shortage Thru Labor Day – IOTW Report

Don’t Charge that Electric Vehicle: California Braces for Energy Shortage Thru Labor Day


California will suffer an energy shortage and “Flex Alerts” through Labor Day due to high temperatures, and residents will be asked to conserve electricity during afternoons and evenings, which means refraining from charging electric vehicles, among other uses.

The Sacramento Bee reported Tuesday (emphasis added):

Hoping to avoid blackouts, the California Independent System Operator, which manages the state’s power grid, warned Tuesday that it probably will issue a series of Flex Alerts over the next several days. Flex Alerts are voluntary calls for conservation during the afternoon and evening hours, when energy use tends to soar. Residents will be asked to turn up their thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using dishwashers or other large appliances, and hold off on charging their electric vehicles, all during the 4-9 p.m. time frame.

Already, the grid manager has issues a “restricted maintenance operations” notice starting Wednesday — a directive telling power generators and transmission line operators to delay routine maintenance that would take generating or transmission equipment offline.

The San Francisco Chronicle explained further: MORE

17 Comments on Don’t Charge that Electric Vehicle: California Braces for Energy Shortage Thru Labor Day

  1. CA is leading the way all right. I see the sorry ass state I’ve landed in is going to follow CA’s lead and ban the sale of gasoline cars. Too bad I’ll probably have crossed over by then because hilarity is bound to ensue.

    The unintended consequences of that idiocy are going to be monumental.

  2. “…a directive telling power generators and transmission line operators to delay routine maintenance…”

    Isn’t that exactly what the official cause of several devastating wild fires in Northern California was?
    These guys are geniuses!

  3. I believe The state of California actually owns a lot of charging stations at locations along the highways (rest areas, public buildings etc). I think they should immediately shut them off. In fact, turn off all privately operated charging stations. After all, it’s an emergency!!!

  4. “Isn’t that exactly what the official cause of several devastating wild fires in Northern California was?”

    Yea, let’s talk about those wild fires. NorCal. That’s PG&E. Pacific Gas and Electric. They’ve been sued, and lost, several times over the last 10 years. More frequently in the last couple years but the biggest case was a gas main that burst in some populated area in the North Bay. Fried lot’s of people, burned a lot of property. That case was actually just recently settled. Along with others, like the Paradise fire. So PG&E loses. Rightfully so. The P.U.C. allows them to raise rates to customers to cover their loses. A large home with a pool PG&E bill runs right at $1,000.00 a month. And they are warning people the rates will continue to climb. I own a CNC machine shop and on average the utility bill is $600.00 a month. Explain that one. Still PG&E. It may not surprise you to know major stake holders in that utility have last names like Newsom, Pelosi, and Getty.
    Who’s on the P.U.C.? Why utility company management of course.


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