Don’t Discharge That Weapon Soldier – IOTW Report

Don’t Discharge That Weapon Soldier

New Army Training Tells Female Soldiers To ‘Accept’ Naked Men In Their Showers.

The Federalist

On June 30, hours before the policy took effect, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis postponed the opening military enlistments to transgender people for an additional six months. The delay does not prevent currently serving soldiers from transitioning, however. It is intended to give the joint chiefs more time to review and mitigate the Obama-era rule’s impact on the “readiness and lethality of our [armed] forces.”

Late into President Obama’s last term, his military officials allowed transgender soldiers to serve openly, even funding gender-change surgeries with taxpayer dollars. Former Defense Secretary Ash Carter set a July 1 deadline for all four military branches to write policies for accepting openly transgender enlistments. Formerly, soldiers exhibiting gender dysphoria were automatically discharged.

While the Pentagon’s review takes place behind closed doors and the inevitable culture-war volleys spill into the public square, it is critical to understand the real-life implications of the policy shift. I recently received a copy of the new “Tier Three Transgender Training” materials—a PowerPoint and accompanying lesson planexcerpted below, with full documents at these links—that the Army is now using in mandatory training for all soldiers. The active-duty officer who sent the materials completed the training with 40 other soldiers last week instead of conducting their morning physical training as usual.

Military As Social Engineering, Not National Defense

The force-wide presentation sheds quite a bit of light on the implications of the rule change on transgender service members. The policy prioritizes subjective feelings over combat-readiness and inverts military order by placing the needs of individuals over the well-being of their units.

The policy allows transgender soldiers to switch their “gender marker” in the Army’s personnel database without undergoing sex reassignment surgery or any other physical changes.

For a soldier to officially change gender requires only some paperwork. A military doctor or civilian medical professional must certify that the transgender person has achieved “stability in the preferred gender” and the soldier must change the gender designation on the soldier’s passport or birth certificate. From that point on, the transgender soldier is “expected to adhere to all military standards associated with their gender,” and “use the billeting, bathroom and shower facilities” of their new gender.


ht/ all too much

23 Comments on Don’t Discharge That Weapon Soldier

  1. I’m Telling you that the Shit WILL Hit, When The Real Men Accidentaly Have SEX with the Dude They Thought was – The Chick !
    For those of Us with Young Boys , this is Really Scary. I Know it Would Have Fucked My Head up, why Put Kids Through this Shit Democrat’s !!!

  2. So… if you ladies encounter a soldier with the “physical characteristics of the opposite sex” in the shower–don’t go by the dick and balls–the box checked in the DEERS database is what counts….

    This is one of the reasons I retired too. I’d never stand in front of my Marines and feed them this bull$#}+.

  3. I remember a couple years ago in my annual USAR retired pay statement, there were instructions regarding DEERS and obtaining special dependents ID cards. I can imagine being at a base renewing my wife’s dependent ID card and some a couple of the homos getting their dependent ID cards.
    The MASH television series could never be made today. Max Klinger wouldn’t be able to use cross dressing as a way of trying to get thrown out of the Army. Today, Hawkeye would be performing an emergency operation to reassign his anatomy to fit his DEERS marker.

  4. My son recently graduated from boot camp. In boot camp, he was in an all male division. He said he was glad that his division was all males because there was no danger of some female making false allegations of harassment and such. With trannies allowed, men will be falsely accused of all sorts of harassment by women pretending to be men in their all male spaces. Meanwhile, men pretending to be women will perpetrate all manner of perverted behavior against the real women and these women will be intimidated into silence. In the hierarchy of identity politics, transsexuals are at the top of the food chain and they will abuse their power horribly.

  5. More Obama sabotage of the military.

    I am confident Mad Dog and the other PDT Generals will quietly undo this. Gender days photos is just one symptom of a larger complex of psychoses. It disqualifies the individual soldier (Manning) and destroys unit cohesion.

  6. How to make a sandwich out of shit: The mantrannies (XY ‘females,’ dudes with a vag and tits), let them in all male units, submarines, foxholes etc. as Comfort Women.

    They can’t get pregnant. No Marine is going to admit he banged the tranny so no jealousy personnel problems.

    That solves both problems at once.

  7. My daughter went through this training last month. She said there was a LOT of push-back from the troops. Nobody in the military is happy about this; damages morale. I hope Mad Dog puts a stop to this, pronto!

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