Don’t End Up Like This Guy – IOTW Report

Don’t End Up Like This Guy

That young man in the casket is Mike Settles and that’s his family standing next to him Eva Holland and Luca and Ava.

 The Holland Funeral

 Funny, this isn’t on Awkward Family Photos. 



17 Comments on Don’t End Up Like This Guy

  1. I have long been an advocate of legalizing all ‘drugs’ (a term ignored when discussing alcohol or many other substances) – primarily from a libertarian standpoint, but also from a humanitarian standpoint. The drug war has not only cost USA and the world trillions, it has made life far worse for people all around the world.

    This spring someone very dear to me died as a result of a heroin overdose. I wouldn’t classify her as an addict, but she had a lot of troubles in her life and turned to drugs to help cope with them. Her mom posted something about the book Chasing the Scream, which I bought and read. I highly recommend it – it supported what my rational thinking came up with and also gave specific details and examples of why the War on Drugs must end and how to do it in a responsible way.

    This is something I am focused on making happen.

  2. Interesting info from the book I mentioned above: with legalization, not only is access to help increased but the drugs used tend to be less toxic. Consider this – when a university bans beer from football games, do students smuggle beer into the game? Of course not, they smuggle hard alcohol. Similarly, those who import drugs don’t bring in ‘lighter’ fare because the profits are far lower. And that results in addicts using harsher drugs than they would otherwise, because that is all they have access to.

  3. My best man had prescription pill problem that turned into a heroin problem. All too similar result, from Ohio, left behind two kids. A couple points here. 1) It’s selfish, your needs come first. 2) You’re not so bright. You honestly came to the conclusion that yeah heroin, cool let’s try it. 3) God is absent from your life.

  4. The day of the funeral is just a day on the calendar. The loved one who gave in to the drugs died a long time before any country coroner declared him/her dead.

    The family is doing the right thing. Shake it off and start a new life knowing all the the walking dead dramatic surprise ‘its all about me’ chaos bombs are now gone forever.

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