Don’t Ever Tell Me I’ve Got “Rizz” – IOTW Report

Don’t Ever Tell Me I’ve Got “Rizz”

NBC News

On Monday, Oxford sent the world a message: It knows what “rizz” is.

The viral term was crowned 2023’s “word of the year” by the Oxford University Press, which it lists as a “colloquial noun, defined as ‘style, charm, or attractiveness; the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner.’” It is believed to stem from the word “charisma.”

OUP’s decision comes after a year of rizz-related memes helped make it one of the most buzzy slang terms, particularly among Gen Zers. Last week, Merriam-Webster announced “rizz” as one of its 2023 words of the year after adding it to the dictionary in September. More

27 Comments on Don’t Ever Tell Me I’ve Got “Rizz”

  1. Take WIZZ ON YOUR RIZZ……..
    RIZZ-OFF M & F’er…..
    rectum rizz. Great new cuss word.
    He dun RIZZ UP again so Cindy Hutto gave him
    another shot gun blast.{google that from way back in Charleston,s.c.Abusive husband.}

  2. Sounds Ebonic to me. Like so much of the other infantile, disposable slang littering the English language. The good thing is that nobody will be using “rizz” in a year. Except maybe Kamala or Doctor Jill.

  3. As for me, give me “rizz” or give me death.

    I regret that I have but one “rizz” to give to my country.

    We have “rizz” the enemy and they are ours.

    “”Rizz” the torpedoes, full speed ahead.

    That’s one small “rizz” for a man, one gaint “rizz” for mankind.

  4. The only Rizz I’ve heard of before is Rick Rizz the play-by-play baseball announcer for the Seattle Mariners. He’s certainly rizzen to the occasion calling Mariners games for over 30 years. I wonder how he feels now that his name has been coopted like this.

  5. “But soft,
    What light through yonder window breaks?
    It is the east and Juliet is the rizz!”

    “t’is not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door, but t’is rizz.”

    “I have come to bury Caesar not to rizz him …”


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